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John West Member Application

Age: 15 (Turning 16 by the end of April.)

Steam Name(Current): John West

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 54 hours 4 minutes 26 seconds at time of check.

Where did you hear about this server?: From Jake.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have never been banned (Unless you count those bans you get for changing your name mid-round...Then there is two.)

Why do you want to join?: I hang out on the server quite often and have been told I should apply for membership.

Referred by: Jake1o

Additional Details: Uhh...I like Long walks on the beach, bad jokes, anarchy and chaos, and death. Can't forget death. Ok, joking manner aside I really enjoy hanging out on the server and having fun with everyone on the server.

+1 John west is da home dawg that never breaks rules

Although we aren't often on at the same time the time I did spend with you was in no way problematic and your name is a pun. If that isn't the best reason to +1 I don't know what is.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I am The Doctor and I approve this message +1

I don't see you often, likely due to playing different times though.

I don't have enough experience with you to do my rating system, but I'll gladly do so once I play with you more often.


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