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Any Philosophers here?

Hello again, eventhough I seem to have no reasonable thought process and that im only ID, No ego or super ego but turn out I love studying Philosophy. Im curious to see if anyone else can think of any philosophies that they find interesting and could share, including religion.

I Personally find Cosmicism to be one of the few forms of Nihilism that I like: Ill send a wiki describing it because If I attempted it wouldnt do it justice (yes I know wikipedia isnt a good source or example but oh well) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmicism

Norse "Mythology" Is also what every heavy metal song aspires to be, I mean Seriously the universe is made out of a corpse of a dead giant and it als ohas two wolves who will eventually eat the sun and the moon which will allow their father to kill Odin a god who gave up his eye to become wise as fuck.

And then theirs pastafarienism, literally the chillest religion saying in heaven there are beer volcanoes, and pirates are divine beings and every friday is a holiday!

So in basic you guys should totally tell me any cool philosophies you've heard and/or believe in

I'm the best and rule the world.

I've heard that there is a wicked ruler that goes by the name of Terran calling himself the greatest in the world, but he is only a lonely little troll. People are scared to rise up against him because of the robotic military he has created. However, a prophecy has it that a nugget will be beamed down from the sun and destroy the ruler, but it has yet to come.

This belief is called Totally Terran.

Wow, that Terran guy sounds like a jerk

Don't quote mythology. By definition every religion is a collection of myths, aka mythology.

Also, none. We live, we die, that's all. Do the best you can while you're alive and hopefully you make an impact, but it's doubtful.

Norse mythology is cool.

Greek mythology is pretty cool too, with fucking the ocean and whatnot.

Sadly, the common mythologies in EU/NA are all boring AF.

Greek was very interesting I found. Not much else really.

Existentialism, because Nietzsche was cool. Hitler fucked his shit up after he died, though.

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