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The most hated person - Bottle4's Private Beta app.

(11-22-2014, 06:34 AM)Bottle4 Wrote:  
(11-21-2014, 09:30 PM)BossMan Wrote:  No. There is a reason you were banned from NTG. You cannot be trusted. Last time we spoke you said fuck you and unfriended me. Immature.

Are you serious?!
Really, mate?
Like you just came on from NTG to here just to tell me that & Neg me about it? IN A DIFFERENT COMMUNITY?
Talk about immature.
Your alt account savi lol. Your so immature. I don't know why you come here if all you do is cause problems. You are a dick to me for no reason. You tell me to fuck myself and unfriend me. Immature you are. Like every post on NTG that I have you put the dumb tag cause your butt hurt for no reason at all. I don't know why you are so mean to me. You sir a bully. NO BULLY ZONE.
  • x1

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RE: The most hated person - Bottle4's Private Beta app. - BossMan - 11-22-2014, 11:44 PM

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