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Furyzz membership application


Steam Name(Current): Furyzz

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 987 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: was originally ont ntg and stopped playing gmod for a while was already in the frg steam group so when i came back to gmod i came to the frg ttt server

Have you ever been banned and why?:no

Why do you want to join?: i enjoy the content on frg and i like the community alot its fun keeps my moods up

Referred by: no one? me? santa?

Additional Details: if I'm elected your president i promise there will be cake

987? +1

i think i misunderstood how to find the hours for it i just added all the hours up from the stats in game

you seem generally chill +1

+1 from me

sorry 900 more hours get to grinding! +1

Pretty chill lad, haven't had any problems with him.


lied about hours played +1

I don't really have anything to say about him, but if he has 1000 hours, a clean record and people like him then absolutely member him up. +1

+1 is secretly a furry


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