Steam/Ingame Name: lemon
Discord Name (if different): lemon (@harold_w)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41668713
Age: 24
Current Rank: Member
Have you ever been banned and why: No.
Why would you like to be promoted?: I would like to be promoted because i think i could be of some good help to the server, im incredibly active and mostly at times where someone may be needed the most (usually late night when RDMers and trolls join) but even more than that, im usually just always on doing something!
Why do you think we should promote you?: I think i should be promoted because i really enjoy being able to help people and provide new players with any information they may need, as well can be reliable when it comes to being level-headed as possible with everyone no matter the situation.
Do you have any administrative experience: I do have past experience
Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes.
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)
Additional Details: I believe that i have found a home here in this community, and i'd love to be able to give back and provide any help i can.
(forgot to mention I had a post up already a week or so ago but deleted it because I felt I needed more time to correctly write one of these)
Discord Name (if different): lemon (@harold_w)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41668713
Age: 24
Current Rank: Member
Have you ever been banned and why: No.
Why would you like to be promoted?: I would like to be promoted because i think i could be of some good help to the server, im incredibly active and mostly at times where someone may be needed the most (usually late night when RDMers and trolls join) but even more than that, im usually just always on doing something!
Why do you think we should promote you?: I think i should be promoted because i really enjoy being able to help people and provide new players with any information they may need, as well can be reliable when it comes to being level-headed as possible with everyone no matter the situation.
Do you have any administrative experience: I do have past experience
Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes.
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)
Additional Details: I believe that i have found a home here in this community, and i'd love to be able to give back and provide any help i can.
(forgot to mention I had a post up already a week or so ago but deleted it because I felt I needed more time to correctly write one of these)