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An Announcement


I know I've been spotty over the past 5 years and I apologize for being in and out of the community so often. Life came at me pretty fast after I left home for college. Some pretty bad personal stuff happened to me that I won't get into too much, but it resulted in my permanent leave from my family home and my marriage to my wonderful wife, Gluten-Free Toast. The road to get to where I am was tumultuous and it wasn't without tough decisions. FRG was a much needed reprieve from the unfortunate status that was my reality during the pandemic. Easter of 2020 was and still is the most fun I've had on the server because it was when I needed you all the most. I especially want to thank Brass for creating such a wonderful community, Mousey for being the funniest person on the server, Terren for being the closest thing to a real friend I've had in a bit, Piam for helping my wife get hooked on the server, and anyone else I'm forgetting off the top of my head who has ever helped me either emotionally or digitally on the server. But times have changed, I've grown and (arguably) matured and I have settled into what the internet would define as a "normie lifestyle." Welp, my wife and I are going to take the next step into that life together and I couldn't be more excited. I foreshadowed this a little while ago but we have official conformation from a doctor as of Friday.

FRG, I am going to be a father. Due date is in May. This isn't goodbye, but how often I'm on will probably change. Thank you all again and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Congrats!! Its something huge. Glad we have you on FRG with us man, and that Toast is too. Awesome stuff Smile

Though I think we might have a few fathers on FRG, they almost never play lol. So we'll miss you brave soldier as your life is about to become more chaotic and busy than you could possibly imagine. Congrats! you'll do great. Smile

Congrats, Toaster! Focus on IRL man it's your life and you got to live up to it the most!

Congrats! I wish health and happiness to you both, we are all excited for you guys. Heart

Congrats!!!!! Good luck on the challenge to come and cant wait to see you when your on again, much love dood!
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


Congrats dude, wish you good fortune and good health for your family.

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