04-26-2015, 09:40 PM
Age: 17
Steam Name(Current): Blue
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 66
Where did you hear about this server?: Brassx
Have you ever been banned and why?: No
Why do you want to join?: I really enjoy playing on FRG and want to help out the community.
Referred by: N/A
Additional Details: I am a member on NTG with many hours.
Steam Name(Current): Blue
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 66
Where did you hear about this server?: Brassx
Have you ever been banned and why?: No
Why do you want to join?: I really enjoy playing on FRG and want to help out the community.
Referred by: N/A
Additional Details: I am a member on NTG with many hours.