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Piggy's Application

Age: 12

Steam Name(Current): MassEffector Piggy

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 86 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I played on NTG and I had a friend who also played on here so i joined him and liked the server so ever after i played here.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have never been banned because i have tried not to break the rules.

Why do you want to join?: I want to join because the people are nice and funny and I generally love this server. I also like to help the staff as well as make the community a more entertaining place for people to play.

Referred by:Not members: Mary, Minehuis, The_naughtybear. Members+: Mr. Cyan Spy, Jasquizzle, McNuggie, Excel_The_bear, Terran.

Additional Details:I am under the age of 14 however a lot of people think i should make a application.

PIGGY! I've known you for a LONG time, and you've been the COOLEST guy I've known who's pretty young. There's been a few in the past, but you're the most prominent. Rules be damned, he's courteous, polite, kind and loves a good time! PLEASE make him member!!! +1!!

+1 I know that piggy is under the age of 14 but he should be a exception to that rule.He's the most mature 12 year old i've come across, I've never seen him cause any trouble.he's just here like the rest of us to play on the server and have fun Smile

I +1 piggy, hes NEVER caused any problems and helps me any chance he gets, hes a fun kid and I believe he should be allowed to be member on the server despite the rule that he must be above 14, I will argue on his behalf if there are any problems with him making an app/becoming a member, hes respectful and tbh more mature than half of our current members and staff.. Anybody who disagrees with this should play with him more. He also has many +members and non members of the community FORCING him to make this app. He deserves an equal chance just like the rest of us.

(05-15-2015, 02:55 AM)MassEffector Piggy Wrote:  Age: 12

I'm gonna be that guy.

At LEAST 50 hours of playtime.
You must be at LEAST 14 years old.

I think you'd make a great member but you don't meet the age requirement. But +1 because I think that the age requirement is not needed as maturity is not defined by age.
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

I want to +1 you so badly, but the requirements are requirements.

From what I've seen in the past, jake doesn't care if someone has lots of support on apps, if they're underaged, it will get denied.

You're a cool person and all, just I don't think Jake will change his mind here.

I want you as a member, yes, but rules are rules Sad

From what i played with so far Piggy seems cool +1 from me

Thanks for all your positive feedback guys. Big Grin


please accept. he is really fun to play with and follows all rules. i like him more then some of the old enough people on the server. <3

I mean its not like your a squeaker or anything and you have a deeper voice then some other people applying for member. +1 fun to play with, would make a great member!

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