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Tutor RDM

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Tutor <3

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:65099037

What Happened?: He killed me while I was getting something to eat, even after I was getting minigunned by a traitor, I asked him to slay the next round and he refused to.

Witnesses: Dno, Doom Destroyer, Not sure if they will say anything.

Evidence: RDM of me: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/30728136105312712/EF9547EC564FB1B1C0411C84258947C7302B1D6C/
His death the next round(him not slaying): http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/30728136105303660/91707693CD45024F1C0047F7F50EC728FE379F9E/

Killed in cross fire whilst I was detective.. I was behind nacho and a traitor was in front of him.. I shot and missed the T and ended up killing nacho with my shotgun and then shot again and killed the T.. And if he did ask for slay, I didnt hear it. The server was being mic spammed for the whole day mostly.

Are you serious?

You should've went into spectator mode also.
 At terrans a fucking weebyahoo.com



Hey guess what? Nobody gives a fuck!

I think the report is worthless, no offense, but Tutor is really rude. I have a few screenshots of him revenge RDM'ing me. Here's one of them, where he went on about "OH LOL, I MUSTA THOUGHT HE WAS A T", then later left after calling me a cunt and an idiot. There were numerous other RDM's before too, and he was harassing the server. Cyan Spy is a witness there.

More evidence:

>One second in

Him just randomly killing me with a galil when I was alt tabbed for a moment.
Shot logs included.
Shot Logs
Refused to slay.

This guy will not stop riming terran for fun. Parma him pls.
Sample Text.

More RDM.
Shot Logs for Proof

Omf. If the rdming was actually a thing on the server which i've been told numerous amounts of times that it doesnt count, then most of the server would have been perma'd.
And the fun fact where Terran even told me its fine to rdm people a all that.. And I call him a cunt all the time. As a joke. But god knows in terrans head if he thinks that..
So you can ban me if you want, but It'd just be pointless for the fact that everybody is rdm'ing.

If most of that comment makes no sense, Im a bit drunk.. sorry.

Check the logs. I repeatedly asked you to stop. You laughed, made snide remarks, talked about bullshit and said "lol but u r rdm me 1ce wen i wuz dah t n kilted some1 u hd no prof :^))))))))", then repeatedly killed me for it as revenge RDM.

Just...Why? Why.

Lol guys dont bitch about rdm, im pretty sure everyone in this thread has rdmed, that includes you nacho. Maybe not Terran though

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