07-07-2016, 03:55 AM
Age: 15
Steam Name(Current): D3F4ULT
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 142 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: through Tango(Scrub)
Have you ever been banned and why?: I cannot remember at all but i think i have not been banned at all
Why do you want to join?:Becauses this server is better than most TTT Servers and I enjoy alot
Referred by: Tango(Scrub)
Additional Details:
Steam Name(Current): D3F4ULT
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 142 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: through Tango(Scrub)
Have you ever been banned and why?: I cannot remember at all but i think i have not been banned at all
Why do you want to join?:Becauses this server is better than most TTT Servers and I enjoy alot
Referred by: Tango(Scrub)
Additional Details: