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bigdaddyburb keeps getting 1 week bans

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):bigdaddyburb

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:40956972

Map the event happened on:n/a

Date of event: n/a

What Happened?:
He was just banned a week by kuro for rasicm and then he comes back and gets banned again for rdm? It would be cool if we could look up steam id's to see how many times a person has been banned.
Witnesses: Kuro zott


I always thought people who kept getting week bans would be banned perma eventually, like a strike out system, but that doesn't exist.

But I suggested that you (or whoever) have a certain amount of bans (depending on how long other bans were) before you are gone forever. But for right now we aren't suppose to do anything about people who keep getting week bans.

(09-03-2016, 01:17 PM)Eclipse Wrote:  But for right now we aren't suppose to do anything about people who keep getting week bans.

not true, if someone's problematic and constantly getting bans, a decision can be made to just perma them. there isn't an automatic system for it is all.

anyway, this is up to an admin to take care of since mods can't perma-ban even if we chose to

- That Thrakos Noob

I don't know if it be possible on gmod... but when I used to staff minecraft server we would have a system thay alerted staff to someone joining the server that had previous bans on record with the server.

This would just make it so staff knew if it was a repeat offender.
Everybody look left

Everybody look right

Everywhere you look I'm--

Standing in the spotlight

something like sourcebans>profit

Last time I banned him he was being trolley and he was going to take slays but then asked to be banned so eh

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