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What would you like to see on TTT?

there should be different misc items. other than the orbs. instead of runes you use to your character. maybe a rune you can add to your load-out to increase a small aspect of your game play. 5% mobility to guns. 1 more clip added to all equipped guns (excluding bow and railgun) very small buffs. as for newbies. Give them a small boost.
As I was writing it. I was thinking of a name for these small buffs. Artifacts. It can be something small with power. a feather, jump height increased by 5%. Sneakers(Jordans kappa) speed increased by 1%.
The artifacts will be small amounts to still give crystals a use. 5% isnt much for jump height. add a jump crystal and its like. 45%? I think. these cool small things.

to new players all they have are shitty starter (Standard) guns. Give them umpf.. enhancable is a good idea.

More unique guns. nothing fancy. bows are cool and all, but like terran said. more normal guns are pretty cool.

Distress. I disagree with the leader board thing. that'll just make everything too competitive, rather than fun. People already get salty when you become "try hard" plus. if you are just plain bad at the game and score low on the leader board. that'll just leave room for people to attack you with that (If you happen to make enemies)

I agree with chosen's enhancable crowbars. it should be 0 of all stat. and we should be able to upgrade it however we choose. that could be the same with starter guns. 0 of all stat and we can choose how we upgrade it.
Speaking of enchancable. why is angelic so fucking hard to upgrade?
You can probably finish a good mastery quest if you go for fully upgrading an angelic. and before anyone tells me. "its way better than demonic. leave it as it is."
Yeah its better than demonic but why does it have to get harder to level after 2 upgrades. 2% for the first 2 levels. 1% for 3-4. 0.5% 5-6. 0.25% 7-8. Why? its too much to level an angelic. /rant

Maybe a new crate is due. with new tiers. these doctorates. otterlys are cool. but time to spice it up. new names. suffix's. eh, don't need a new one. new tiers to keep things interesting will be enough.
Forerunner package 2 when?

I took my time to write this entire thing. feedback will be nice. Any additions for this huge reply PM me or give feedback in reply's


P.S. Remove Third in krampus
Love, Bezerker

Edit: For the love of all things holy. Please don't add skins. I hated them in NTG and CS:GO. I'll hate them here.
Love, Leo

Edit 2: We can also give new players a choice of what gun they want to start with. rather than it being completely random and they have no choice of what to start with. give them the choice of what gun they want to start with. after the choice. they cannot change it. or give them a "Start crate" Only obtainable for playing the server for the first time. full of the starter weapons only. that way, they get the crate experience without paying and its kinda cool

Edit 3: Nerf the bloodfury
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What would you like to see on TTT? - Cuckbois2001 - 12-23-2016, 07:13 PM

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