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Misunderstood Rules?

So far in my experience of FRG TTT, one of the primary problems I see as the cause of reports is lack of understanding the rules, or the rule's actual intent. So I've made a small list that I'm sure can be added to of rules that people aren't completely clear on. It would be great if someone high on the staff chain of command could respond to at least a few of these to clear up any future misunderstandings.

1. What is the actual definition of T-Baiting?
I've seen people killed for shooting anywhere in the map, but yet the rule specifices "shooting near someone". At the same time, I've seen people shoot someone with light damage and complain when they die.

2. Does throwing on a discombob count as T-baiting?
I've heard so many variations of this rule, whether it be "Only if it's in a place where they can fall off a ledge and die" to "Yes, because it's considered shooting near someone".

3. Are smoke grenades considered T-baiting?
Not nearly as common, but still exists. Once again, same argument of "Yes, because it's considered shotting near someone", even though it doesn't do any damage.

4. What is the rule for identifying bodies and kos'ing because of?
Rule #3 clearly states that if someone looks at a body and then walks away, you can kill them. Yet I've repeatedly seen cases where people have literally been holding an unid'd body and people get slain for killing them and not telling them to "warn before identifying a body".

5. Is it allowed to kill an afk if a T doesn't?
I've seen instances where it's been allowed, and times it hasn't. I feel like it's based completely on whoever's taking care of the reports, and if people just want to hurry up the round because they think the afk is the T.

6. At what point does it become more than just being a dick for shooting people/trapping them with plasma shield?
We all know that people will free shoot, whether it be for the memes or because they couldn't get their cog last round because of you. Maybe they got lucky and became detective, so they'll start trapping you plasma shield/net. Where's the barrier to this before it's not allowed?

7. Killing for barnacle/bear trap?
Are you allowed to kill people because a barnacle or bear trap didn't snag them? I've seen cases where people have walked right under or on top of them and they didn't grab them, and they were killed for it, even though they were an inno. Allowed or nah?

That's all I have for now, and maybe a few of these should seem obvious, but I think clarification would help. When these questions are answered, I'll be referring people who are unclear to this article to help spread the common knowledge.

1. What is the actual definition of T-Baiting?
Pretending to be a traitor and acting in a manner of way to bait someone into shooting you and losing karma. "Love taps" are a form of t-bait and are killable.

2. Does throwing on a discombob count as T-baiting?
If you throw a discombob in a place that could danger someone else, it is t-baiting. If someone takes damage from your discombob, it's t-baiting. If you're near a ledge, it's t-baiting.

3. Are smoke grenades considered T-baiting?

4. What is the rule for identifying bodies and kos'ing because of?
You don't need to warn them if they're literally carrying it away. You do, however, if they're doing anything but carrying it. You can't be sure that they saw it, so it's best to just ask them to ID it.

5. Is it allowed to kill an afk if a T doesn't?
No. Only T's can kill AFKs.

6. At what point does it become more than just being a dick for shooting people/trapping them with plasma shield?
Pretty sure it's a thin rule. It makes sense to me that if they're harassing you, it can be up to the staff to deal with it. You as a player, however, can't take it into your own hands. Again, "love taps" are killable.

7. Killing for barnacle/bear trap?

- That Thrakos Noob

A lot of these problems come from people making up rules on the spot. Spreading misconceptions, and such(such as warning a T buddy about your C4..).

1. T-Baiting is basically doing anything that could possibly endanger another player, or something that could possibly lead people to believe you are a traitor, while not being a traitor. (Karma baiting would be doing something to someone to bait them to hurt you, and is still a form of traitor baiting)

2. Throwing a Discombob is basically T-baiting, but it's situational; It's not serious on complete flatground(no ledges you can fall off of) quite obviously, because it's not going to damage anyone. But throwing one on a map like rooftops, is T baiting anywhere, Because it can endanger players.

3. I would not consider throwing smokes T-Baiting, and have never heard of anyone saying they are.

4. I think our staff need to take some things down a notch. Not everything needs a slay, in fact staff should try and talk it out before using powers. This game is about using problem solving skills and logic after all, karma exists for a reason. There are situations where I'd say it's okay for a person to not warn to ID, but thats for the staff member handling the case to decide.
I would assume that the person did not see the UNID'd body and ask them to ID it to keep the salt levels lower. Someone carrying an UNID'd is a bit different as it could be a tranq'd body, and they could be carrying them to safety. If they aren't tranq'd it may be considered karma/T baiting.

5. I would say this can be a logical decision if a traitor doesn't kill the AFK and CLEARLY had a chance to. We have an AFK system for a reason though, so doing it just to speed up the round is not okay. Doing it because you have pretty clear evidence they are a T should be fine (detectives can test them). So much of this game is situational though, It would really be up for the staff to decide at the time. Why would a traitor pass up on an easy AFK kill? Think about that. It doesn't make any sense from any perspective.

6. This will need more discussion, I'd consider it harassment if they continue to do it, without a plausible cause. It may be considered attempted RDM as it could endanger you.

7. No. They have been known to ignore non traitors quite often, so it's not reliable.

Again, I feel people need to relax a bit. Stop making a big fuss about losing an innocent round, learn to forgive and just have some fun. Being too strict kills a lot of fun, and makes the server more stressful than it needs to be.

Thanks to both Brassx and Unpoke for clearning these things up. Once again, I felt as though a few of these were obvious, but it's always better to have it set in stone so to say.

Staff talking things out with people can be really difficult sometimes. There's a lot of people that just don't wanna hear it and don't like to listen to logic. Toning things down would be great. Help staff out by listening and cooperiating, even if you think they're wrong jut keep it chill. You're a lot more likely to get an outcome that you'll like or at least not hate.

Also realize that staff are there to play too, not just staff. Don't overwhelm them with the smallest issues that can easily be let go.

(05-07-2017, 02:13 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Staff talking things out with people can be really difficult sometimes. There's a lot of people that just don't wanna hear it and don't like to listen to logic. Toning things down would be great. Help staff out by listening and cooperiating, even if you think they're wrong jut keep it chill. You're a lot more likely to get an outcome that you'll like or at least not hate.

Also realize that staff are there to play too, not just staff. Don't overwhelm them with the smallest issues that can easily be let go.

Could not have said it better myself, I do always try to talk things out but even from people looking to move up in ranks in our community I get toxic responses and at times just yelling when trying to explain a rule for future or why something just is not a big deal. I find myself saying way to much this is not setup like the rules of that old community a lot of us came from but is more relaxed and we do believe in logic here Smile When it becomes a job to play a game are you really playing anymore? Just have fun.

I think the reason for misunderstanding of rules is because of the various situations a person can be in.

Take T-baiting as an example, a broad way to interpret it isn't shooting near somebody but doing anything traitorous. That fits in potentially killing someone in any way whether it be discombob, throwing props at them, carrying explosive barrels near people, or just shooting your gun in or near somebody.
Smoke grenades don't do any harm so they're not considered traitorous.

The rule for kosing on unided bodies is there in case somebody missed it, if they're carrying it around or trying to hide it then it's obvious they have seen it and consciously decided not to id it.

A problem you face in every server is that in a lot of circumstances there isn't a clear way to respond to something, especially in unique circumstances not described under the rules. In that case it may as well be up to the people who act in a scenario and thestaff member handling the situation to make the rule up. Sometimes people handle things differently. You can't be 100% certain all of the time.

It really is tough sometimes and people are human at the end of the day, so try not to take the rules absolutely seriously.
It is a game so lighten up and have some fun, but be knowledgeable when you need to.

(05-07-2017, 02:13 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  Staff talking things out with people can be really difficult sometimes. There's a lot of people that just don't wanna hear it and don't like to listen to logic. Toning things down would be great. Help staff out by listening and cooperiating, even if you think they're wrong jut keep it chill. You're a lot more likely to get an outcome that you'll like or at least not hate.

Also realize that staff are there to play too, not just staff. Don't overwhelm them with the smallest issues that can easily be let go.

Yea, exactly. In the past two days, when I've been on, I have been the only Member+ on for the most part . There's been a bunch of reports and a lot of them I need to take a couple of minutes to figure out exactly what happened and what to do. But people will freak out about the person not being slayed instantly. And I'll explain to them that I was just trying to figure out the situation and whatnot. Sometimes people don't want to listen though, and just throw a fit. It just becomes a big hassle and annoying.

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