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Fancy Typh's +Member Application

Steam name: fancy

Age: 15, coming on 16

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: My memory is too poor to remember any such occasion, so until mentioned otherwise, I do not believe so.

Why would you like to be promoted: Currently, although once summer comes by my activity will drop a bit lower again due to marching band, I've been really getting back into the FRG setting as I once was before. While more staff are starting to show up, I still find myself in a position where I could be of assistance or there are no staff currently online and there are issues needing staff to resolve.

Why do you think we should promote you: Myself, I tend to be pretty level-headed and understanding for situations, and I wish to help. I've already been acquainted as an FRG "Staff" member once before (+member), and I would like to bring myself back to such position. With staff (although getting better) a bit on the light side, I believe that I would be able to be of assistance in the ability to at least deal with reports properly.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yes. I was a Moderator back on NTG, I've been admin throughout two other Gmod servers, Moderator/Admin in a few Minecraft servers way back when, as well as +member here.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes.

Additional Details: Currently, I've been playing as much as time has allowed, which is for now quite frequently. However, during summer, I wont be able to play for ~6-8 hours a day due to marching band and life responsibilities. However, I will still get on as much as I am able.
When a dragon round begins.


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