Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:56347745
Map the event happened on: ttt_cloverfield_b2
Date of event: 12-10-17
What Happened?: Tw2 | Jawshi was exploiting on the map Cloverfield by sitting on top of a roof sitting inside a box where you can see out of and shooot out of but can't get seen or shot back by anyone outside of it to gain XP/Kills/Merit on an enhancable weapon.
Witnesses: No one else complained about it.
Evidence: ( Screenshot of what happened )
Map the event happened on: ttt_cloverfield_b2
Date of event: 12-10-17
What Happened?: Tw2 | Jawshi was exploiting on the map Cloverfield by sitting on top of a roof sitting inside a box where you can see out of and shooot out of but can't get seen or shot back by anyone outside of it to gain XP/Kills/Merit on an enhancable weapon.
Witnesses: No one else complained about it.
Evidence: ( Screenshot of what happened )