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Where Did Everyone Go?

Seriously, like 6 months ago, both the servers were packed with people all the time. Now it's a ghost town. I really enjoyed FRG's Custom Loadout and other Server Content! I would absolutely hate to see this community die. Is there any way we can bring FRG back?

I am building a new and very powerful gaming rig in less than a week and will try to continue uploading to YouTube with it. Perhaps if I was allowed to record some videos playing it, that might help. When I took a break, because my current computer is not one to be doing videos on as well as for college, I had been gaining a small following fairly quickly.

School and Life. Most people just left to moats which is pretty stupid. Now and then people come back, but not for long. Server is still alive and well tho.
Bouncy Rounds

FRG is far from dead, you must be lookin’ at the wrong times, however some days it does take someone joining first to stimulate everyone else joining.

This season in particular is usually pretty dry until updates come out (one will be out either today or within the next few days) due to school ‘n stuff, so you can look forward to that

- That Thrakos Noob

Yeah. I'm working on some pretty sweet updates to help keep TTT populated.

A lot of people tend to chill on the lobby and do events and what not, and are just burnt out of TTT, also somewhere along the line our community seems to have become a little anti-new player. (Which we're also working on combating).

I have a big ass update in the works that should help, as well as an update I'm pushing out today to make TTT more rewarding. I'm also doing a Godlike giveaway on TTT for one lucky person to win as a post-round drop, if that system works I may start doing regular giveaways in that form.

We still get quite a few unique players that play through out the day though.

Going off of what others have said so far, most days people who play here have schooling they have to tend to which is why you'll really see the servers populate in the evening rather than early morning or afternoon. We're in a rough patch but I'm sure we'll pull through it.

The server gets more traffic at around 3pm central time when they get off school/work and that will last for about 6 hours till people go to bed.

Weekends tend to always be populated with at least 6 people on either ttt or lobby.

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