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New Weapon-- Wild

Type: Primary or Secondary
Name: Wild (gun ex. Galil)
Rarity: Primordial
Clip: -10%
Firerate: +5%
Stability: -15%
Recoil: +20%
Accuracy: -5%
Damage: +10%
Suffix: 1 in (5-15) chance in which Wild Sense is activated.
Wild Sense: Target is seen through walls (similar to the tracer effect) until the target passes 150 feet, or 2400 units from the target (Considering that 1 foot = 16 GMOD units for map dimensions). Target takes 15% more damage from you, and other targets take 20% less damage from you. Effect lasts 30 seconds, and only one effect can be active at a time. Targest cannot switch. Upon killing the target, damage is increased by 10% for 15 seconds.

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