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Moss +Member app

Steam Name(Current): Moz

Age: 17

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Naw

Why would you like to be promoted?: I'm pretty active on the server and dislike the amount of reports that aren't resolved when a fair amount of staff are on the server.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I've experienced difficult reports from my time as admin on NTG and would like to think I can deal with a majority of situations here.I plan to most likely stay with FRG till it dies out as I did with NTG which I hope isn't soon. I'm also familiar with the rules and feel as though they aren't enforced enough.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yes

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: I enjoy TTT more than lobby events


- That Thrakos Noob

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