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D0ZZA | Unban Appeal

Steam Name (Current): D0ZZA

Steam Name (During incident): D0ZZA

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50277880

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/krispykox/

Name of staff you were banned by: Unpoke

Length of the ban: Perm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: The Ingame ban says, temper tantrums, and toxicity, but the real reason was a racist remark.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes

What really happened?: I said a racist remark that was very uncalled for and the dumbest move I've made in life yet, sounds extreme, but that shit can get you killed saying to the wrong person (not only that it can really affect people and there mental state), And i knew that i was just being disrespectful and thoughtless at the time. I may have been heated prior to this happening but i could have just cooled down and took a breath for a second. I didn't mean it, I may not have had good experiences with this player but this is far from the correct thing to do, and I know that and never intend to say something so stupid again.

Additional details: I'd just like to publicly Apologize Fear, he was the player that I said this remark to, it was unnecessary and very childish, My actions have not gone without being reflected on. (If we can sort this out a little further feel free to message me on discord Fear so we can talk, and maybe come to some sort of agreement.

Thanks for taking your time to read my appeal, have a great day.

I have had to ask you numerous times to calm yourself/chill and almost every time I DID ask you didn't listen. It was a battle and honestly draining for me. I don't want to see this kind of consistent toxicity here, and I'm sure there's many more who agree.

Edit: With that being said, if you can prove to everyone you're willing to change, we are open to that.

"Reason for ban: The Ingame ban says, temper tantrums, and toxicity, but the real reason was a racist remark."

No, the real reason was you have a history of toxicity including temper tantrums.
Using racist remarks was just apart of that as well.

- That Thrakos Noob

I'm always looking to change and improve myself, like i stated above, I don't intend to react to other people trying to get a reaction out of me, I'm here to enjoy myself. I'm sorry if in the past I've been seen as toxic but it wasn't ever an intention of mine.
Edit1: @Unpoke I only ever made one racist remark.

id be ok with making the ban a definite and long period of time rather than permanent.
candidly speaking, and without trying to offend, I think dozza just has a lot of issues, but can be an ok dude semi-regularly.

The racist comment was not the only thing, that was just the final straw. You pissed a lot of people off with your toxicity. I don't understand why you said that stuff to Suess and his brothers either, especially when I think they had no connection to you or interaction before. Was it a joke? Is this a "ha ha toxic but I'm joking" comment? It doesn't make sense.

(04-07-2020, 04:26 PM)Grassx Wrote:  I have had to ask you numerous times to calm yourself/chill and almost every time I DID ask you didn't listen. It was a battle and honestly draining for me. I don't want to see this kind of consistent toxicity here, and I'm sure there's many more who agree.

Edit: With that being said, if you can prove to everyone you're willing to change, we are open to that.

Listen to staff members. You had some toxicity against a few staff members for whatever actions they've done. If you have a serious problem with a staff message Unpoke or Brass about them. Your toxicity against them is not gonna change their behavior and it only makes you look bad.

Now, when you first joined you were an alright guy, and I think a second chance is somewhat deserving. Maybe an instant 100% warning level for a week before you can interact on discord or talk ingame.

I'm going to say, and it may not be my place, but I'm a firm believer in second chances. If or when he /is/ ready to rejoin the FRG community, I wouldn't be opposed to welcoming him back. Though I will say, I like the idea of a probationary period (possibly longer than a week) just to ensure that everything remains smooth upon his re-arrival. Those are just my two cents on the matter ^^

Although this isn't what he was banned for I figure this should come back up for air

This was completely unprompted by anything (as in I or the others this was targeted at hadn't even spoken with him that day).

D0ZZA is generally unstable and all it takes to turn from the "banter" that people have mentioned to a toxic pile of waste is a disagreement with him.


he was fun to talk to for a bit but when the days starting going by with new players joining he started getting really toxic and taking his anger out on anyone that talked in vc and it was very toxic so idk if he should get a second chance or not for being childish.

I can't imagine your entire attitude/personality has changed in the 9 days that you've been banned. "but the real reason was a racist remark" You weren't banned for 1 instance of a racial slur, that was just the final straw. The fact that you clearly don't recognize that you were toxic means you've learned nothing.

This ban wasn't JUST because you said hard r, it's a ban due to a long history of toxicity. Yet you're trying to make it seem like the slur was the only reason you got banned.


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