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(Lucky Ducky) Membership Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): Lucky Ducky

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 65 hours on TTT and 2 hours in lobby.

Where did you hear about this server?: Phrot

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I want to be a member so I can show more support to the server than it already has. Ive only played about 65 hours but I have been no life-ing TTT. I really want to be someone who represents FRG as a member. Im already supporting the discord with a nitro boost, and spent about 50 dollars total on the server so far.

Referred by: No one

Additional Details: None ………..Edit: I also don't plan on quitting the server any time soon, maybe never. I enjoy it so much.

+1 seems like a solid guy whenever he's on and i've never seen him cause any trouble

I haven't had any issues with the times i've seen Lucky Ducky on the server. +1

He's a happy guy! I would give him my soul as my kin. +1

I've seen a number of people rag on him just because he's a bit younger, yet never saw him react negatively (Though his microphone is so quiet I'm not sure I ever know what he's saying), but the lad seems polite, which is more to say than some of our...members. support, +1.


- That Thrakos Noob

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