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Ruki Purp RDM

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):Ruki

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:559416460

Map the event happened on: ttt_trappycottage_b2

Date of event:8/6/20

What Happened?: The round before I pressed the button on a room, and it turned out to be a gas trap. Ruki was in the room and it killed him. Next round, he revenge/purp rdms me afterwards. My fault initially for being small-brained enough to forget that room was a trapped one.



wait there's a fourms reporting system? lmao
+1 for slay ig

We Moat now.

At the end of the day, FRG is just a game. I understand wanting justice, but it feels like more of a character thing than an actual act thing.

+1 for slays, but take it to DMs. Sometimes its just a misunderstanding.

I would have, but he just pretended like it never happened and denied killing me so I just didn't want to waste time trying to talk with him since he was acting like that.

(08-07-2020, 04:00 AM)Jaceper Wrote:  wait there's a fourms reporting system? lmao
+1 for slay ig

its only used by grimm

i know it may get confusing, but this is FRG, you know, forerunner gaming, not moat, large difference.
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

You guys seem to all forget that revenge RDM is bannable, and not just a slay.

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