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Why do you play FRG?

It's as simple as it sounds I'm curious to see why people play on FRG.

Personally I play because I've invested too much time into it and feel committed to sticking around

"personally i play" *havent seen you on in like 2 weeks*

Anyways I play cause its fun to come back and get new shit whenever you resurface on the server. There are times where shit gets boring and you'll leave for a few months, but theres always a new influx of players that join. By the time you rejoin there will be a ton of new shit you can grind for and enjoy more. If I end up getting bored I don't think I'll ever quit the server, I'll just come back and re-enjoy it a later date with more updates, and loot. There are rince and repeat aspects, and things that are just annoying. But every server has that and I believe this server has a very small amount of stuff that annoys me. There are people that annoy me, but not many rules, no staff, and not the community as a whole. There are servers I play on where shit is too lenient, and servers that are just blatantly toxic and annoying to be on. This server has a good mix of good staff, a good community, a interesting fishing system, and updates that are constantly being pumped out by an owner who actually cares about his servers and community.

i hate this question so much because i cannot think of a genuine answer to this
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

i sweat on people

Reminds me of Borderlands 2 poggers

Love how FRG does boss fights and events. If I ever get bored I'll just come back on my ironman


Have loved the type of content that is generated every since I played 6ys ago, although I disagree with some of the choices that make up the content I still feel I've committed too much time to the server to really care about dumb shit like that

Fishing, hoarding and collecting all godlikes.

I play cause I highly enjoy the custom TTT mode and it makes me nostalgic of better days(ntg was lit for the Bit I played) I also really like making meme items and just amassing value in my inventory. It also distracts me from shit in my life and keeps bad thoughts away. I also highly enjoy the community and it feels fun to play even if some people despise me . And ii am a complete fucking whore for challenge scrolls those things are my fucking crack and if I don’t upgrade on the expert I’m doing right now I swear.

I play FRG because it's really hard to find a proper TTT server in France, and the french TTT community is EXTREMELY toxic, There are only a couple of servers and it's always the same players you met there. A lot of drama, a lot of children, since I'm 33 I do not have time to babysit, so i've wondering a couple of months on Gmod to find a good server, I used to play on an australian server (forgot the name tho), until I had enough of the constant racism.
Then i found you guys, and i've staying since, it's been almost a year now, i did a break during lockdown because i've discovered Sea of Thieves, and I'm addicted to it now, but it's nice to come back then and then for a few gunfights with you guys.

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