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Today, 02:31 AM
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09-26-2024, 06:52 PM
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aPpLiCaTiOn Of MiRaClEs )...
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09-25-2024, 02:50 PM
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09-24-2024, 10:03 PM
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09-22-2024, 09:22 AM
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09-10-2024, 12:21 AM
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09-09-2024, 08:52 PM
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08-27-2024, 02:57 PM
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Heart Minty's Membership Application
Posted by: minty - 04-09-2024, 07:32 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (11)

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): minty

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 240 TTT, 85 Lobby 28 Ostara.

Where did you hear about this server.: Pluto.gg

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not recently, I may have been banned 4 years ago but I was also fourteen and don't really remember my actions.

Why do you want to join?: I've played parts of this server over the years but I only recently came back for the Christmas event. Community has been very welcoming and I have met some really nice people such as Terran, Jesse and formerly D0ZZA and MeyerSad who teach me new stuff almost every day. Love spending time with my friends so I would also love to be a member.

Referred by: D0ZZA & Meyer

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  BoySmokes - Membership Application
Posted by: BoySmokes - 04-09-2024, 09:17 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (10)

Age: 23

Steam Name(Current): BoySmokes

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 39 hrs on TTT, 72 hrs in Lobby, 18 hours Ostara...not sure about the math on it all tbh.

Where did you hear about this server?: Cant say I've heard of it, scrolled through Garry's Mod and found it.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope.

Why do you want to join?: Been spending a ton of time on this specific server. Doing lobby bosses, TTT stuff, Events from time to time and I personally enjoy the fun I have had. People are cool, some very helpful ones around I.E (Fuzzy, Lemon, Terran, Etc.).

Referred by: Nobody.

Additional Details: Give Wrathwing lmao

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  A Basket of Puppies Membership application
Posted by: Basket of Puppies - 04-09-2024, 05:40 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (10)

Age: 26 (almost 27)

Steam Name(Current): A Basket of Puppies

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 928 hrs 2 minutes 7 seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: Was an original player, left and worked for Moat as staff for a bit, then came back. Heard about this server first on NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?: Def a few karma bans (Occultus too good back in the day oof), one temp ban for going by Neggkk during easter.

Why do you want to join?: Every server needs a punching bag to bring unity. People argue with each other less when posting clips of my mishaps and "oopsie" moments during TTT

Referred by: No one, we were told to read membership apps and I thought "why the hell not"

Additional Details:
Honestly, I'd love to be a member, but I know more than likely I will get a bunch of -1 (which I understand because not many people are fond of me), but once again, thought "why the hell not". Not every hook will find a fish

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  YeOldRust - Membership Application
Posted by: YeOldRust - 04-08-2024, 02:16 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (6)

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): YeOldRust

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
Ostara 1h 57m
TTT - 99h 5m
FRG Crate Open - 12h
FRG Event - 3h
FRG Lobby - 61h

Where did you hear about this server?: Originally found it via server list

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never been banned to my knowledge.

Why do you want to join?: I'd like to become a better member of this community, as I've been on and off playing the server for the last few years but I do truly enjoy the time I spend on the server as well as most interactions with the other players on the server.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: Mostly been a positive player on the server, rarely ever had conflict with another player or created any drama (that I know of), I genuinely enjoy playing on the server and would love to continue playing and learning more about what the server has to offer.

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  Vertical Membership application
Posted by: Vertical - 04-06-2024, 01:26 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (6)

Age: 23

Steam Name(Current): Vertical

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): about 1300 hours on all all servers

Where did you hear about this server?: Heard from a friend back in 2018ish

Have you ever been banned and why?: Banned 2x. One for changing name during game, and the other for kill binding once during an event map.

Why do you want to join?: Been playing for a long time so I figured I'd give it a shot applying. Love the server, hate my luck XD

Referred by:

Additional Details: I know I can be pretty annoying at times but I try to not be serious and am mostly being sarcastic. Love the server and *most* people that I play with here. I plan on staying for a long time Big Grin

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  The Great FRG Spreadsheet
Posted by: tom - 04-05-2024, 09:20 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

Lord, this is gonna be a really shitty idea.

Today, about...an hour ago from this post, I had the absolute worst idea i've probably had in this server.
I want to create a spreadsheet, listing all the prefixes (gun prefixes, such as lightweight, heartless, divine, gory, etc etc etc), the stat spreads, animations/colors they may have, and other information that may be important.

Now, I'm not that new, but I compared to everyone else, I would 100% be considered newblood, and I do not know anything about everything, and I think i'd lose it if I had to figure out which crates drop what for god knows how long.

So I come to you all in a time of need, and request that you help me by giving me ANY INFORMATION that could help with this endevor, either by sending it here, commenting on the spreadsheet, DMing me on discord (veterath is my user), pinging me with it, I do not care.

Hell, if enough help, maybe I'll give out some rewards for the people who helped the most...? Just an idea...

The spreadsheet is here, currently in its early stages, but no matter. I would be very grateful if you helped, so...help, please.

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  veteraths Membership Application
Posted by: tom - 04-05-2024, 06:49 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (7)

Age: 21

Steam Name(Current): veterath

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 280h TTT, 137h Lobby

Where did you hear about this server?: Someone from Velk.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope.

Why do you want to join?: Been playing awhile, and frankly, there is no reason why I shouldn't apply, so here I am.

Referred by: The voices in my head.

Additional Details: hi

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  No Mixtapes RIP
Posted by: Hrdly - 03-31-2024, 06:29 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Looks like no new mixtapes guys and girls, unfortunate
Would be cool to have another reason to run the boombox/soundboards, at least for a while.
this is a suggestion but, having a another slot specifically for the boombox/soundboard, would be sick.
As it seems no-one is talking about it, obviously because why would you run a boombox over anything else, it takes up the equipment slot. (would give a reason to run it)
what y'all think?

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  Joshua746's Membership application
Posted by: Joshua746 - 03-30-2024, 06:12 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (10)

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): Joshua746

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 100+

Where did you hear about this server?: Randomly looking at server browser

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: been enjoying my time here!

Referred by: Gluten free toast

Additional Details: Just want to be more involved in any way i can!

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  Boss Battle
Posted by: Simba - 03-29-2024, 11:02 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)

Who do you guys think would win if all of the FRG bosses were thrown into a big arena together?

I have my money on Tzadkiel bc dude is a beast, but let me here what you guys think.

(Zeixoch - the bridge boss in Trib is getting fucking bodied so don't even try that xD)

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