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  Unban Request
Posted by: Moor3 - 01-28-2024, 03:13 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (5)

Hello guys,

I've played this server off and on for a while now, gone by one other name but mostly its just been Moor3. I'm usually pretty respectful and I'm not huge on hating any groups of people when respect is given all around. I'd say that the vast community of FRG has been pretty huge when it comes to a safe space to think and wring out stressors in life, and I've broken that for those who come here.

First of all I'm truly sorry for anyone I offended with my word that I used, I rarely ever use it and I never really think about it. It was a spur of the moment word used towards a troll that was on the lobby for way too long and I felt like they were putting people down pretty heavily while they were around. I spoke plainly to take some of the heat off of those who felt bullied or harassed by the individual. It was reactionary, idiotic, and plainly unprofessional of me to use a word like that and disrupt someone else's safe space.

Being unbanned is something that affects me but the word I used affects everyone else, I find it fair and reasonable to be banned, but I will never earn the respect of those hurt by my words, and for that I am truly sorry for my actions.

My deepest apologies - Moor3

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  mauimods - pleading for a second chance
Posted by: mauimods - 01-24-2024, 07:12 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (5)

Steam Name (Current): mauimods

Steam Name (During incident): mauimods

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50219225

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mauimods

Name of staff you were banned by: Beebee

Length of the ban: Perma

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: Mass RDM + toxicity

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.

What really happened?:Got a long vacation for what I'd said after the mass RDM

Additional details: I know what I did was wrong, but I've missed FRG. I'd be okay with a 99% warning, last chance sorta deal, chat ban and voice ban me for now, but I don't want to be permanently cut out of the game and community after almost 3 years. I appreciate any consideration.

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Posted by: Terran - 01-24-2024, 05:52 PM - Forum: General - Replies (2)


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Posted by: Piam2900 - 01-23-2024, 09:26 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

I am officially hosting a giveaway for some items that include a Yuletide's rift and a eternal bond. If you want to join please reply with your discord name. There will be two parts of the game. The first part will be the game mode sprint where the top 3-6 people will move on to the final game and the top three get prizes.


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  Hungh Unban Request
Posted by: Hungh - 01-19-2024, 03:02 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (3)

Steam Name (Current): Hungh

Steam Name (During incident): It was probably one of these (Anonymous_ES, Anonymous_SxS, AnonymousDerek)

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:70957447

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102180623/

Name of staff you were banned by: Automated

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Shortened

Reason for ban: "Hacks detected! This has been logged..."

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes

What really happened?: I was banned 8 years, 4 months, 5 days, and 7 hours ago. I was 12 at the time and I was foolishly messing around with the injectable lua scripts that would give you auto bhop. If I remember correctly I don't think I actually ever played on the server for more than a second due to the injectable being immediately detected.

Additional details: I have pondered the reasons as to why I cheated and the answer was I really was not that good at much during the time. Younger me thought I was the shit at everything and it was solely due to the fact that I cheated at pretty much everything and lied about most things. After I got banned from the server I thought nothing of it until I would keep getting banned from other servers for the same reason. I kept cheating in games until I got my first VAC Ban on my steam profile and ever since then I have stopped. Its really embarrassing to have a stain on my profile, yet it is what allowed me to repurpose my character and quit cheating for good. I have played on many other TTT inventory servers and made a great deal of progress on them only for them to be either shutdown as a cash grab or completely abandoned. FRG or previously NTG seems to be the only server that has remained. I have learned from my ways and am pleading for a second chance or at least a consideration. Reading the other unban appeals in relation to cheating I understand there is a strict policy against it regardless of the time at which the cheat occurred. Thank you for your time and if my ban does not get shortened, I would like to thank you for the closure. -Hungh

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Posted by: Epi - 01-07-2024, 06:38 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (2)

Yo whats cooking, I am Epi or Epipen, I am not a old player but I am familiar with the concept of this server. Back way way when I used to Mod on WoGs (World of Gods) but I have recently learned of some facts that have changed my mind about that server. So far this server is far superior and the community is really nice with Broseff and Piam (Idk if I spelled your name right) helping me out early. Looking forward to playing with y'all  Cool

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  Wicked Membership Application
Posted by: Wicked - 01-06-2024, 08:55 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (5)

Age: 21

Steam Name(Current): Wicked (or WickedStorm)

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 106 on TTT, 244 total

Where did you hear about this server?: A few old friends from NTG told me about it a long time ago (I originally played on FRG back in 2017(?) and put in about 30 hours, but I decided to take a break from Gmod as a whole to focus more on other games)

Have you ever been banned and why?: I've never been banned

Why do you want to join?: I've really enjoyed the experience I've had with the people here and it's been a blast recently! I've been playing inventory servers for a long time and FRG makes me feel right back at home and would love to be a part of the community.

Referred by:

Additional Details: I don't really talk all too much, and most of the time when I do I'm usually just asking questions but I hope that I can get to know everyone better as time goes on and make some great friends and memories!

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  2023 Christmas Pre-release notes.
Posted by: Brassx - 12-22-2023, 12:24 AM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (11)

The 2023 Christmas Seasonal event is now upon us!

Festive Chests!
This are just the typical seasonal chest you expect, but tweaked using some data I gathered from Halloween.

The new seasonal pass! With it comes the addition of Forerunner Fragments to the pass, and some updates to the fragment shop.

New loading screen.
I have updated the loading screens to a new page I made over the last few months. I know we'll miss the community screenshots from prior, but up keeping the old ones was a pain, so I moved everything over to a unified system, which makes it WAY easier to iterate upon and add new screens & on screen info.

A more detailed changelog is below (it doesn't include everything, just some of the highlights)

General Changes

  • Added Festive Chest.
  • Added Jolly Troves (tier 1 - 3).
  • Added the new Christmas Seasonal pass.
  • Brought back seasonal tasks.
  • The Santa Group fight makes a return (1v1 as well) with some major changes.
    • You can now revive downed teammates up to 2 times during this.
    • All players must Eat Cookies to gain entry, and because of this, all loot is the same regardless of individual performance. Any variation you see is just rng.
    • Some other really cool changes you'll have to see that make it really fun Smile.
  • Added Forerunner fragments to the seasonal pass and seasonal tasks.
  • The frag shop items can now get seasonal traits and older seasonal godlikes during seasonal events, also made their rare items a bit more common, and brought back harvester for the season.
  • Updated the loading screens for TTT and Lobby (other modes to come).
  • Wallrun crystal now properly loses stamina when wall jumping.
  • Wallrun crystal drains more stamina and takes 1 second longer to start regenerating.
  • Wrathwing now has an 'overheat' meter on TTT and creates fewer fireballs during TTT. (Does not apply to pve or dilap). Throwing it too often will build the meter, and overheating will put the attack on cooldown for a few seconds.
  • Wrathwing's DoT deals lower damage outside of erebus in PvE.
  • Fixed Aetherborne's trait on shotguns, you now have to hit all of the pellets, missing a single one resets the stacks, it also stacks less dmg per pellet.
  • You no longer have to start a party before queuing for bloodwynd.

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  Mem+ Application
Posted by: Schlanta Claus - 12-19-2023, 09:09 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (3)

Steam Name(Current): Schlanta Claus

Age: 26

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: No

Why would you like to be promoted?: Im FRG pro, and I play too much ttt for my own good so I wanna help w some reports since im on ttt majority of the time (when its populated).

Why do you think we should promote you?: Over 2000+ Hours spent on frg with about almost 50% of those on lobby/events and 50% of those on TTT and I get along w everyone and I love this community!

Do you have any administrative experience: If me being a teacher irl counts then sure, but otherwise no,

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: :CoachGrump: (This is actually coach)

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  Anyone want to play Monster Hunter or any Soulsborne?
Posted by: TJ1524 - 12-19-2023, 04:40 AM - Forum: Other Games - Replies (3)

Cmon, any Monster Hunter game, even like Generations Ultimate or the 3DS ones.

Any Soulborne games, even Bloodborne or Demon Souls.

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