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  Overlord Chris Private beta app :)
Posted by: Overlord Chris - 11-17-2014, 11:59 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (2)

(* Required or the application will be denied)

Age*: 16

Where did you hear about this server?*: Jake10 and Rangerdanger0

Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I really want to see this server strive and I want to help it be successful in anyway that I can.

Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Yes, Op in fact Smile

Any other info: I'm really chill and I really just want to help this server anyway I can.

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  Giveaway for everyone here :D
Posted by: Potatos are ShayMlicious - 11-17-2014, 09:37 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (19)

Im going to give away a free copy of insurgency for all the awesome people here Big Grin
All you need to do is post something down below and you will be entered, ill Post who won in a couple days.
Good luck!

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  Dubstepcat's Beta App
Posted by: Keez⭕⃤ - 11-17-2014, 09:31 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)

Age*:15 Oct,2,1999

Where did you hear about this server?*:Rangerdanger0/Jake

Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*:I always enjoyed Brassx server's and i would love to test out brassx brand new server and
help any way i can.By reporting Bugs/Glitches And i want to show my gratitude for all the amazing hard work brassx did and the staff did
on NTG and i have no doubt the new staff on here will be just as good and maybe better!

Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*:No ;-;

Any other info:umm im a cat now hate.. Big Grin...Other then that i love Gmod and i heard a lot of amazing things in this server and i would
love to see it for my self!Oh and if any one was wondering why i wasn't a NTG member was because i stopped playing for a while since
my laptop just died ;-; but I'm back now!


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  Would you rather?
Posted by: fuzzy.nomnoms - 11-17-2014, 09:04 PM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (13)

I'm really bored now and avoiding homework, so I made this.

Would you rather: Always feel like you have to pee really bad, or never feel like you have to pee, but never know when to go?

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  Potato's beta application.
Posted by: Potatos are ShayMlicious - 11-17-2014, 08:47 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (1)

Where did you hear about this server?*: Saw people playing on the forerunner server
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I would like to help to develop the new server and discover bugs and glitches to fix and create a server everyone will enjoy.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*:Yes
Any other info: I want to help as much as possible Big Grin

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  Hello FRG :)
Posted by: Potatos are ShayMlicious - 11-17-2014, 08:37 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (2)

Im really exited to see how this community comes together, I hope that this can become what it is designed to be, just drama free and fun oriented.
Hello guys Big Grin

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  Why hello there :L
Posted by: Rangerdanger - 11-17-2014, 08:31 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Im rangerdanger.
Ex-NTG operator cause I fucked up one to many times and people hate me for it (they have EVERY right to be mad at me)
I hope to really change and stop being such a douche to everyone and just make this the best place possible.


Have a great day! :L

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  Rangerdanger's Application
Posted by: Rangerdanger - 11-17-2014, 08:21 PM - Forum: Denied - Replies (8)

Age*: 18
Where did you hear about this server?*: From my friends of NTG
Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I loved NTG and everything about it and just want to help as much as possible and make this the best place ever.
Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Was...ex member or member that is banned....
Any other info: I had a rough time on NTG and really want to show people that I am capable of change and that I have changed and I think this would be great! I'm looking for a fresh start and this place looks amazing! :L

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  No post on Sundays
Posted by: SirZeroshot™ - 11-17-2014, 07:55 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

I really should do the internet on about 2 hours of sleep.

Oh god.

At least I have peppermint bark.

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Heart [NTG] Kili's Application
Posted by: Kili Bun - 11-17-2014, 06:12 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (6)

Age*: 25, Nov 12th 1990

Where did you hear about this server?*: From Jake and the NTG forums

Why do you want to be a Private Beta Tester?*: I'm very interesting in the new system and would love to see your work as you create it Brass, I really want to see this 2.0 system grow and develop.

Are you a member of Next Tier Gaming?*: Yes, VIP Operator

Any other info: Hope I get accepted, I like the forums, look neat, and would love to watch and provide feedback to help your system develop better.

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