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New unique weapon for spin2win or lottery

So i was having this random idea while being in negative at spin to win. and thought that maybe there should be a godlike for spin2win or that theres a random chance for it to appear in giveaway after a weapon leaves giveaway.

So the idea of the gun is something like "Big winner" or "big spender" something casino meme related you know.
The gun would be a glock with high fire rate that shoots out dollar bills like the weird toy guns that shoot the money out. (cash cannons)
I personally can't think of any trait that really fits this that isn't completely troll so it'd be cool to see suggestions of what the trait could be.
i was thinking like a muffle that plays a casino winning noise and has a big like "winner" Icon on your screen that impairs vision

how about when the ability procs it makes money fly all over their screen and they cant see very well?

I kinda like this idea. Itll be a fun item to use. Muffle/confusion trait altered for such would be neat, kinda like hades furnace lights on fire with that confusion overlay or something. Just like jackpot noises and coins raining on your screen. Maybe even like the gory aug exploding on death, they explode into coins effect.

Almost like "Payday" used by Meowth. Or just the game in general.. you could call it "Payday" as well
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