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FRG Leviathan

Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1239962578
Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j8odzb0eyu2ed9d/AADgZgts8aGVheq20hInrVBqa?dl=0

Hello! Welcome to the Leviathan, This map was created by me and for the FRG community.

I was Inspired by the Leviathan Raid from Destiny 2 (not the leviathan crate...). I started this project around September, and now I think it's ready for release.

The Map Features:
3 T traps
T Room
Bossfight Easter egg
Riot Shield/Newton Launcher Easter Egg
custom textures
custom skybox
A good amount of ammo around the map (at least 162 ammo and 42 weapons on the ground)

FRG Features:
58 spawnpoints (I felt like I needed to add this in, all the spawns are spread around the map)
Some large areas that are probably good for spider rounds
No overpowered areas for Hunter or Infection rounds (the only one way rooms in the map are very small rooms, should be easy for zombies to lunge)

This map includes two songs:
"House of Gold" - Twenty One Pilots
"The Future" - Ridiculon (The End is Nigh)
(I do not own these songs, they were created by the creator, not me.)
These songs are in music boxes, and will play only in a certain area of the map. You can still do stopsound in console.

Screenshots (more in the workshop page)




The Map may seem complicated, but the main area is just a large circle, it doesn't take long to learn the map.

Custom Textures - TOPHATTWaffle
Custom Skybox - Lord Canistra
Outside help - Youmenow1 (Think I should include him also, He is a great mapper, and been teaching me lots of cool stuff in Hammer!)

Amazing! *dab*
Bouncy Rounds

Looks like a cool map I've taken a look around it and it seems to be alright for this server

though better suited for higher player count it can still be a good addition here +1

+1 I am very excited for this map

(12-23-2017, 12:49 AM)Halanta Claus Wrote:  Amazing! *dab*

frick. ing. stop.

(12-23-2017, 01:09 AM)Kcat Wrote:  
(12-23-2017, 12:49 AM)Halanta Claus Wrote:  Amazing! *dab*

frick. ing. stop.

*dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab* *dab*

Looks amazing. Reminds me of a Quake map for some reason.

Holy shit dude. Nice work.

Thank you everybody, I hope this will get accepted in so I can play with the community Smile

Please do add this, this looks amazing. Nice job Black Parade!


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