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Deadheala Member App

Steam Name(Current): Deadheala .(Josh). (Always has been always will be)

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50hrs 15min - ttt also 14 hrs - Lobby

Where did you hear about this server?: When i was on NTG back in the day, phunk told me about brass and his new server. After NTG died i took a long time off gmod. Then i came back and gave FRG a chance. I love every second of my time here with all the amazing people I met.

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have never been banned on FRG

Why do you want to join?: Because member means something to me. I want to become part of the community and want to show off that im someone that can be talked to and asked questions to.

Referred by: Sadly i don't know who to put here

Additional Details: Thanks for commenting below if you do. I really do appreciate it and i love frg so much. Have a nice day and i <3 you

After talking to him for a bit he did jog some memories of him. He was fun and cool guy back then, and nothing has really changed.


Josh is a pretty nice guy who won't cause any problems for the server. I don't see any reason why he doesn't deserve member. +1

+1 great guy careful of his jihads though

1 step closer to manager


doesn't have a single cool galil -1.

but is a pretty cool guy so +2 for that I guess.

Although a little obnoxious at times, I think he's pretty decent. +1

He's a nice guy and is very active. +1

-1 for jihading everybody (kappa)

+2 first step to new manager

-666 using wrong jhaid noise
+999 Cool dude

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