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I got an idea. The longer you stay alive, the more damage you do (possibly only for tentacles, but would prefer for overall fight). This makes living important for top score and gives people with borderline weapons a good chance.

(05-02-2019, 05:16 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  I got an idea. The longer you stay alive, the more damage you do (possibly only for tentacles, but would prefer for overall fight). This makes living important for top score and gives people with borderline weapons a good chance.

This is already basically a thing. Dying makes you lose around 40 seconds of shooting time and gets you pretty far behind.

One way to stop leeching is to remove the flat amount of crates at the end.

Look for the mean score of Kraken and let that be the base for loot. Those who go above the mean will get more loot. Those who just joined to leech will get 1-2 crates. That'll stop the incentive to leech off of Kraken, maybe even to the point we could scale health off of the amount of folks in Kraken's arena.

I think the best way is to make the fight harder, but faster. So it's less tedious/lengthy without a big number of players, but still 'difficult' to do without larger counts of players. That's pretty tough to balance though. A lot of people leech simply because the fight can take forever without the right player counts. The original vision I had was a big world boss people had to team up to defeat, but I can see that type of boss just won't work here.

I'll make a min damage threshold for drops too. Doing it based on the average can still be exploited to leech. The more people that are leeching the less score they need, so a flat rate would be best I think. I will also have score decay inside the arena just like it does outside the arena, after not damaging tentacles/kraken (if applicable) for a few seconds.

Make kraken shoot out homing water balls like Tzadkiel so people get experience at dodging them so I can take new people more often. That seems difficult and would be hilarious when people get mad because someone got damaged because of someone else's ball.

(05-02-2019, 08:47 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  Make kraken shoot out homing water balls like Tzadkiel so people get experience at dodging them so I can take new people more often. That seems difficult and would be hilarious when people get mad because someone got damaged because of someone else's ball.

I feel like that would just frustrate people, like a lot, including me.


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