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Big Suggestion Mega-Thread

(05-14-2019, 04:05 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  how, moz? minigame uniques are generally pretty bad in the first place, even with the rarity the only one there’s demand for outside of mousey is maybe draconinc
venomous isnt great and spider rounds arent super common to begin with, whats wrong with making venomous drop a little more often from them? same with bouncy tier and dragon egg too tbh since thats an rng thing ontop of its rarity, since dragons are super rare

going back to bouncy, theres like never any regular bouncy rounds cus of these dumb egg ones, theyre the same shit reskinned, no reason to not have em in the drop pool

i mean i dont mind it becoming more common I just hate the fact the reskinned rounds are kept after the event is over, so why should we be able to get the egg IV's and chance at bouncy guns?

just seems dumb to me

(05-14-2019, 05:24 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  worm queen is a super easy solor boss that can be done less than 2 minutes...the loot shouldnt be that insane

It should at least be relevant. Bloodwynd and castle can be done with 2 people and aren't much longer or even really any harder. No one wants to grind something every day for the chance of a chance of a flashback because that's the only thing of real value from worm queens.

(05-14-2019, 05:24 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  worm queen is a super easy solor boss that can be done less than 2 minutes...the loot shouldnt be that insane

We done want the loot insane but we dont get anything good at all just like 300 coins a few other things.

(05-14-2019, 05:24 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  worm queen is a super easy solor boss that can be done less than 2 minutes...the loot shouldnt be that insane

bloodwynd (and arguably castle) is also super easy boss that can be done in 2 minutes and less. The only difference is that you need a minimum of 2 instead of 1 max. I literally said in the post I'm not asking for it to be super good, just better.
(05-14-2019, 02:31 AM)Alex Summers Wrote:  I don't want it to be super op loot or anything, but keep it on par with at least loot from castle/bw, events that have around the same cd and take about the same amount of time.

With the exception of the very rare prim or t5 key, wq loot is hoy garbo and I honestly only do it to try and beat my time anymore. Loot needs a buff in some degree (arguably bloodwynd as well, as anyone not starting out avoids the boss like the plague.

Dailies dont need change, and as far as the frsg shop, remove the crystal guy and make him like a key guy? Also the quests could give more or items/crates could just simply cost less.

Buff wq loot to give some crates, buff frag shop to give the agony trait onto other tiers than swift and ominous and have other stuff like people said, the dailies are fine in rewards and all but people do them really quickly. Maybe have monthly/weekly missions that people can passively work on like cogs (ex. Play xx maps or something that players cant sweat on in one day).

added coinshop quality of life and minigame overhaul suggestions and crossed out wq because it was implemented.

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