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mauimods member application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): mauimods

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 120

Where did you hear about this server?: gmod server browser

Have you ever been banned and why?: yeah for auto clicking spin 2 win ( i won btw )

Why do you want to join?: would be cool to have the member tag i guess

Referred by: server browser of gmod

Additional Details: servers ight

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

+1 Chill Person havent seen any problems

+1 racist (not really, he is super funny tho)

he seem ok +1

Toxic, mass RDM, ghosting and hacking

Gonna report


Member material right here!

pretty chill dude +1

+1 he very chill

I puke a lot, but that doesn't mean I puke because of mauimods.


Been selling me a lot of traitor rounds, nice guy who has been playing well. The only issue is that when you first joined you tended to get really annoyed at people for basic things, and I'm not sure if you were joking around but it seemed like you demanded a lot of people be slain for frivolous things and it was a bit odd. But beyond that nothing bad. +1

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