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FRG Kuriosity
A Request by Kuro

"Kuro uplifted a part of your city with his godlike powers!
Is this your new life?
Or are you going to stop Kuro's madness once and for all!"

Welcome to Kuriosity! This was a request made by Kuro around March, and I started working on this project around April.

Kuro gave me a unique layout to create, the map contains near 25 buildings in a 5x5 grid like style (I'll say near because some building are seamlessly connected together). Each building is unique from each other, creating diversity from one another.

The map seems large, but its actually very small (not including skybox)
Here is a size comparison
The map is only a fracture larger than Lyrus Room.

The map features:
4 T traps, +1 unlockable
T Room and T tester
A Bossfight Easter Egg, which all of the attacks and the thing you fight is made completely out of brushes.
4 Small Easter Eggs
9 Playable Songs (and one bonus song)
Ammo littered around the map

FRG features:
Spawns around the map
Large amount of space in the air for Dragon Rounds.
Not ideal for Spider Rounds.
No overpowered areas for Hunter and Infection rounds (there are a few small rooms with one entrance, but most of them are apart to Easter eggs and such).

Black Knight
Fancy Typh
Alex Summers

*If you don't see your name, don't think negatively, I only wanted a handful of players to playtest early versions.

Assets Used
Realworldtextures: TopHattWaffle
Neon Textures: Koga73
Beautifully Crafted MS Paint Textures: Black Parade
FRG Memes: Unpoke
A voice line: Kuro
Lyrus room + Something else....: BrassX
Boss Music: Acceptance by Ridiculon

Screenshots in spoiler
The map layout can be confusing and overwhelming at first, but after a couple rounds the map is easily navigable

Downloads and versions
There are 4 different versions of the map, Each version has content limited.
(Compressed and Uncompressed versions are located inside each Google Drive link)

Standard Map -
All content that was made is inside the map.

Low Resolution Reflection Map -
All Content that was made is inside the map, cubemaps are set to the default resolution (64x64)

Low Res Music-Free Map -
All music removed from the map (besides boss music), cubemaps are set to the default resolution (64x64)

Workshop Version -
This version is just the same as Low Res Music-Free Version, but with broken cubemaps, don't use this.

I recommend the Standard map version, only because the map looks great with high detailed reflections, and the music can already be disable by using stopsound


Messages In This Thread
TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Black Parade is DEAD - 07-09-2018, 01:33 AM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Excel - 07-09-2018, 01:36 AM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Bezerker - 07-09-2018, 01:48 AM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Dumpweed - 07-09-2018, 01:49 AM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Kuro - 07-09-2018, 08:36 AM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Unpoke - 07-09-2018, 12:39 PM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Kuro - 07-09-2018, 12:57 PM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Unpoke - 07-09-2018, 01:01 PM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Terran - 07-09-2018, 09:14 AM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - cheny bedeney - 07-09-2018, 07:21 PM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Jake1o - 07-09-2018, 08:39 PM
RE: TTT_FRG_Kuriosity - Catbug - 07-09-2018, 10:19 PM

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