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Tutor RDM

This isn't "RDM". This is him purposefully targeting me, every single round he can and ruining that round for me out of pure malicious intent. That's Revenge RDM.

I'm done. This is my last post here save for when I get more evidence.

Tutor is ALWAYS Rdming Terran, I can confirm. I cant stand the server right now due to these people...

FRG's first flame war.
We grow up so fast
Oh Hey...it's me C:


Terran has RDM. And Please stop trying to mimic the way I talk into a sort of sentence where it seems my parents are siblings and Im heavily autistic.

I honestly cannot understand that sentence. What is the point to it?

I basically told you to fuck off with making it seem like im mentally retarded with your stupid comments you put to "make a point". Dont be such a dick head and drop the damn subject.. I've had enough of this bullshit, and im sure other people have as well.. And by the time forerunners is up, i'll probably be banned for being a dick to certain people who piss me off anyways.. NTG had me on the edge of where I was about to tell everybody off, so I had to leave before I got banned, because I have something you dont.. Common sense. I know when to drop a subject to a point where it should be dropped.. But every comment you make to make me look like the bad guy and make you look fine and you're a complete angel has to stop..
There.. No more comments.. Drop it.. Finished. Fin. Done

Please stop arguing, or take it to PM!

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