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Survey (Out of curiosity)

1. Do you prefer small or big maps? Why?
I prefer small-medium maps with medium to large amounts of people, makes it a giant hilarious clusterfuck, and large maps with medium amounts of people

2. Do you prefer basic maps or complex? Explain.
I like complex as in kind of confusing to navigate, makes being an inno a bit harder because you have to be on guard, which is how u should be, or being traitor you have to be quick about what you are doing, so as not to have someone stumble onto you, which again is how i feel you should be

3. How many secrets do you like to see on a map? What kind? Why?
if secret as in like minecraft getting diamond block, then none of that, because its dumb as hell that you can be kosed for throwing away a block, im ok with secret knife and id prefer like a secret room you can access,

4. What's something that you'd like to see in a new map?
limited ammo, makes you have to use it wisely and not fuck around with it,

5. What is your favourite colour? Colour combination?

6. List any additional details about maps that you enjoy/don't enjoy.
i hate minecraft's diamond block quest thing, its so fucking stupid u can be kosed for throwing it away, i enjoy airbus doors that can be flung off, id prefer more maps like it aswell as a few more maps like construct

i love t traps as long as most of them arent in the t room, because just being able to sit in the t room and spam 4 different traps as ppl walk by is dumb

7. Additional Comments:
i basicly love annoying maps like sandraiders i think it was with the jeeps and was annoying on obc's, i would love to see that map comeback, it was one of my favorite

1. Do you prefer small or big maps? Why?
I prefer big maps with a good blend of cover or corners, places with long ranges or small hallways connecting areas. Also verticality in maps is one of my favorite things, so maps like dolls, teenroom, or earth_2074 are my most favorite maps to play on because of all the different playstyles they suit

2. Do you prefer basic maps or complex? Explain.
I like overall basic maps but they can have small complexities that give the map character

3. How many secrets do you like to see on a map? What kind? Why?
Preferably one or two small ones, I don't like when there's things that distract traitors from their objective which is killing innocents

4. What's something that you'd like to see in a new map?
Pretty much another nice all purpose map, with good frames and fun gameplay

5. What is your favourite colour? Colour combination?
Purple which I feel doesn't go well with most other colors

6. List any additional details about maps that you enjoy/don't enjoy.
Small maps like mcdonalds where literally everything is heard, maps with little to no cover or maps with no verticality really irk me

Please fill this out in the format given to make it easier to catagorize for meh. Any additional stuff that you want to add say at the end. <3

1. Do you prefer small or big maps? Why? big ds

2. Do you prefer basic maps or complex? Explain. basic because u know basic bs

3. How many secrets do you like to see on a map? What kind? Why? hidden dildos

4. What's something that you'd like to see in a new map? more of those hidden dildos

5. What is your favourite colour? Colour combination? Brown

6. List any additional details about maps that you enjoy/don't enjoy. your mother

7. Additional Comments: This is legit and not a shit post

1. Do you prefer small or big maps? Why?
Very large maps never want to see anyone due to the fact that I could die.
2. Do you prefer basic maps or complex? Explain.
Very Complex dont want people to follow me so you need to get them off my tail.
3. How many secrets do you like to see on a map? What kind? Why?
4. What's something that you'd like to see in a new map?
Lots of sniper towers
5. What is your favourite colour? Colour combination?
Red white blue
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

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