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Big Suggestion Mega-Thread

Hello its ya boi, got too many ideas to make a bunch of threads so Im gonna put them on here.

WQ Loot Buff

Starting off with something I'll probably get flamed for but holy heck, for something with a 6 hr cd (4 and a half for VIP). The loot is god awful. Yes, it's main purpose SEEMS to be for exp, but there's a certain point where exp is next to useless.

I recorded my loot over 23 ish attempts of wq and the average loot is a tier 2/3 key, like 300 coins, and an unlikely/rare weapon. The best thing I got out of any of those attempts was a medium scroll.

I don't want it to be super op loot or anything, but keep it on par with at least loot from castle/bw, events that have around the same cd and take about the same amount of time.


Daily Challenge Reset

I mentioned this in discord, but some more feedback from everyone would be nice. I suggested paying a fee of somewhere around 10-20k to reset your progress on dailies once you have completed them. The server-wide daily timer would not change, just your progress. This would give players a constant goal to work towards and get some loot, without feeling too grindy. This would also help the monthlies feel so rare/unobtainable (though I know there are some mixed opinions about that one). There would obviously have to be some adjustments made to balance this process so it isn't made too OP or devaluing current daily weapons like monthly drops too much.

Elder Godsword Changes

I made a post on this before so I'll just link to that thread but briefly describe it here.

It's mostly just a QoL change and a couple potential buffs to make the weapon feel more "worth it." Add a better indicator of the mode it's in, allow charges on each ability/allow 2 charges, and/or slightly buff each ability from the original godsword.

Rework the Frag Shop

The frag shop right now is, well, irrelevant. Most of the quests are annoying and difficult to do, with even the most difficult ones rewarding about 12 fragments. The shop itself provides no sought out weapons, and the ones that could even be considered worth buying cost way too many frags (118 for a damn prim??). Swifts being the main unique from there are outdated and "powercreeped" by Galactics in every way.

This isn't to mention the crate/crystal shops. Like, what even is the point of those? Specifically the crystal shop. No one is going to spend a bunch of frags to get a common af crystal. Then there's the crate shop with a very limited amount of crates, which each crate costs like 4-11 frags.

I propose:
1. Easier/more rewarding quests.
2. More unique/sought after weapons, whether it be because power or fun.
3. More reasonable gun prices in the shop.
4. Altogether removal/rework of the crystal frag shop.
5. Cheaper/Less limited crates in the crate frag shop

That's all my thoughts on that for now, feel free to post your guys' ideas. The frag shop has been in desperate need of a rework for quite some time now.

Stackable Runes of Fortune

I, as well as a bunch of others, have a bunch of runes of fortunes stored up. Now I don't know about the rest of them, but I've had this stack of runes for quite some time now and can hardly get through them because I'm constantly forgetting to reuse them once the 12 rounds run out.

All I suggest is to allow the use of multiple runes of fortune at once.

I don't think that there's really much reason not to allow this, and it would be a nice convenient QoL.

Coinshop QoL Changes

Just using the titles as an example, but I'd like to see a way to sort your coinshop items. It looks pretty unorganized and clunky right now, would be a nice quality of life change.

Minigame Overhaul

*Partial credit to TJ for some of this*

So the idea was thought of because of how much people often complain about minigames.

Basically, remove all crates that are currently in minigames and replace them with one new crate. This crate would contain basic loot, but would drop all prim uniques that can come from minigames (and maybe runes of easing? Not sure about that though, might be too op there). So it would have bouncy, draconic, venomous, etc and then some godlike that Brass/Tobi comes up with, hopefully fitting the theme of minigames.

I think this change would lower the salt amounts that come from minigames, as it contains a unique crate and allows more available minigame uniques (seeing as they're almost non-existent now)

This is all my suggestions for now, will update as time goes on if I have any other big brain ideas.

+1 to frags/quests i dont do any of the quests cuz frags aren't worth much as its all overpriced or just not good

WQ Loot Buff
I've stopped doing WQ because it isn't worth much to a person whose level 200. Once level cap increases, I think loot won't matter for most people and will be fine. Sucks that I got a Tier 1, 2 and 200 coins my last one, but whatever.

Daily Challenge Reset
Looking at all of the people doing dailies, it's weird that there's only like 1 person getting one a day.


The last two didn't even drop from a daily. Yesterday's and Today's warbanners were from minigames apparently.

I wouldn't mind the ability to rebuy the ability to do them again especially when getting monthlies is rare. I know it's only been 4 days, but there's not 50 days in a month to try to doing all 6 challenges for. Something cool would be if you do 14 days of dailies in a month, you're given an untradable monthly.

Stackable Runes of Fortune
Not looking forward to that.

can i also suggest making minigame uniques more common and allowing bouncy tier to drop on easter rounds

- That Thrakos Noob

(05-14-2019, 03:48 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  can i also suggest making minigame uniques more common and allowing bouncy tier to drop on easter rounds

with the chance to drop with the eggcellence suffix/egg tp

+1 on wq loot buff great idea and also the cooldown for dailys pay thats a great idea too

WQ def needs a buff. +1
Worm Queen has really been neglected, not much with its loot leveling has happened. It does need its payout adjusted abit..Maybe Hard mode option?

Daily Challenge reset +0
Im not sure about buying a reset, i feel that could get spammed, after all, walk/run 140k steps takes like..1-2 maps max. If you farm that, thats ALOT of drops. If max 1 reset a day sure, but even then, maybe they roll every 12hours instead of 24? I know time zones affect some and thats why we like the 24, but Im not sure how i feel about a pay2reset.

Frag shop rework +1
Yes. this needs A L O T of updating. The quests within can be a bit mind-numbing, id say roll them on par of dailies or challenge scrolls, make people more inclined to do them, so that they also get some fragments by finishing it, ontop of their rewards.
Crystal shop is just bad. I know synergizer is a thing to drop, but SOOOOO many otjer crystals drop from crates theres no point to buy them with fragments. I almost want a questline to create a synergizer..Maybe not the dropped one, a weaker crystal you could get that allows what the synergizer does, But halves the effect. Craft a fake synergizer maybe.

Stackable runes of Fortune +1
Right now, you pop your own fortune, 12 rounds. If you pop a shared ontop of that, 4 rounds of that. This is great for them double spins, plus your giving everyone else a chance to spin too.
But if you pop the shared, No one else can. I can see this is inplace probably to avoid 5 players popping a shared and then everyone has like 5 spins end round (MADNESS) But maybe an autouse function? Upon your fortune depleting you can autouse another? Something would be nice i feel.
Vanished from life

(05-14-2019, 03:48 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  can i also suggest making minigame uniques more common and allowing bouncy tier to drop on easter rounds

Didn't mean to mark this dumb but it'd be pretty dumb

how, moz? minigame uniques are generally pretty bad in the first place, even with the rarity the only one there’s demand for outside of mousey is maybe draconinc
venomous isnt great and spider rounds arent super common to begin with, whats wrong with making venomous drop a little more often from them? same with bouncy tier and dragon egg too tbh since thats an rng thing ontop of its rarity, since dragons are super rare

going back to bouncy, theres like never any regular bouncy rounds cus of these dumb egg ones, theyre the same shit reskinned, no reason to not have em in the drop pool

- That Thrakos Noob

worm queen is a super easy solor boss that can be done less than 2 minutes...the loot shouldnt be that insane

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