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IronGuy Unban Request

(07-09-2019, 06:12 PM)Wizurdous Wrote:  1)man's not even toxic
2)why should anyone care if he said the n word
3)man's clearly not actually racist
+1 unban this man

Well the way he said it was could of been in a way a racist way of it being told. If there was a new player or a group of players who actually take offense to it (don't know who was on at the time) then it becomes a problem because it was directed at someone.

The other problem is, why are you saying it? How hard is it to keep a word such as that with the history it has behind it out of your mouth? People who joke around with the word saying they aren't racist, are more than likely racist because you literally have no reason to use the word.

ironman with duct tape as lips for 3 months(server muter) +1
then hes iron man so he must craft scissors to cut taper

wait can i have big negro cheese as my name again than if he gets to get unbanned
FUN ^ 10 x int ^ 40 = ir2

If everyone says the N word hard R in the server, brass will have no choice but to either unban him or ban his entire population

also +1 to unban he didnt mean any actual harm.

A couple of things.

one, I've knew Golden since i was much too young to talk online on NTG, & he was always a cool guy. That being said, saying the hard R is a rule that has been in place probably since the servers first been online. Slipping up on the day you get unbanned for doing the same thing, that takes talent. Now, my opinon brings me to the next point

There should be a 3 strike system for these kinds of bans. Specifically, 1st strike - 1 week. 2nd strike - 1 month. 3rd strike - perm with a chance to appeal after 6ish months / whatever staff feels appropriate. Of course, if they fuck up again after the 3rd time (if they get unbanned), I don't believe they should be given the chance to appeal.

+1 for the removal of the perm, but I still think he should be banned for the rest of the month because come on lol. first day???

As I've said before. Context and Intent mean a lot when it comes to racism bans.  That being said, you literally just got unbanned for saying it, then said it again. I don't think that should be completely ignored. Context isn't as important if you JUST GOT UNBANNED for the same offense.

I don't believe you had any ill-intent with saying it, it's just a nasty word in your vocabulary.  I just ask that you keep that type of language off the server as much as you can, nothing worse than joining random servers/lobbies and hearing people yell it(old pubg anyone?).

Your ban will expire in 2 weeks and 3 days from now.

We will be updating racism official punishments with:

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