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  Progressive Kill Weapon Skins (with concepts)
Posted by: Not John Smith - 06-28-2022, 06:44 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (12)

I'd like to get back into making weapon skins as I did for NTG, so I decided to make a few proofs of concept.

Progressive Kill Weapon Skins

As players begin getting closer to weapons reaching 5,000 and even some nearly reaching 10,000 kills I thought I would begin creating Prestige skins for each weapon base..

At 5,000 kills on any BASE weapon, the player would receive this option in the right click menu:


This would allow the player to freely change in between Prestige skins and the base skin of the weapon.

at 10,000 kills inside that option would of course allow the changing between the base, 5k kills, and 10k kills skins.

These are just the first 5k and 10k skins I've created so far to give you an idea of what they would look like (I've added the Base/OG AK for some perspective on the changes I've made)..

forgive the lack of lighting in these photos, wanted a good idea of what they would look like in a dark setting.

This would be a slow process for me, these skins didn't take terribly long to draw up, but I am short on time these days. I would prioritize weapon bases that people are near 5k or 10k currently, and slowly work to making skins for the less commonly used bases.


UPDATE: created 5k/10k rifle skins

UPDATE: created 5k/10k M16 skins (forgot to put Statrak decal on for these images)
I will continue to slowly create more until Brass decides to green light the project, or doesn't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

update: someone suggested adding an old school Golden and Silver glow to the weapons like NTG did, I agree, would make them more flashy.

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  Ritt's member app
Posted by: Ritt - 06-18-2022, 07:26 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Steam Name(Current): Ritt AKA: Derp-A-Doodle-Doo

Age: 23

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Once in 2015 over a rule what was changed/ misunderstanding and was unbanned.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I lost the rank when I stopped playing from school and work. Have some more time now and have gotten back into playing and would like to help out where I can again. and in the time I've been playing since half the time there no-one on to handle reports

Why do you think we should promote you?: I've been member+ before and was generally helpful I feel.

Do you have any administrative experience: Moderator on TSS ttt server (shut down), admin on multiple Minecraft servers. (step down/ don't play anymore), pass member+. (and i mean a lead in a government job so like does that count lmao?)

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: its been a minute and there so much new stuff and although i know like none of the new crew its been chill.

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  jjollly Tera.gg - Unban Request
Posted by: jjollly Tera.gg - 06-16-2022, 02:03 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (2)

Steam Name (Current): jjollly Tera.gg

Steam Name (During incident): I dont remember but it most like was "HealthBloom Notfound.tech"

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104927546

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170120821/

Name of staff you were banned by: Uknown

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: nil

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes

What really happened?: I remember I was banned for purp/mass rdm

Additional details: This happened a while ago, I didnt really have a motive, at the time I didnt feel like id ever want to play the server for real so I just F'd around but looking back and also being introduced to the server by my friend I have realised that I made a mistake doing what I did. Now I am very interested in the server as my friend has showed that FRG is way bigger than just ttt.

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  Christmas In July [2022]
Posted by: Nyte - 06-15-2022, 11:19 PM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

Hey fellas! It's me, everybody's favorite cock and ball torture streamer!

So I've been thinking about potentially hosting the well known "Christmas In July" event in honor of the memories and friends I made from previous events. It is all very nostalgic to me and it makes me think back to 2018 when I first joined the server. Running Asylum with Cheny, Skully_Fluff and Nice_The_Boar AND COACHRUMP HE WAS THERE TOO, resetting IoD over and over with Team Sweat to try and get the first completion and almost getting Unpoke demoted over a misunderstanding lmao.

Yeah shit's been tight so I wanna try and give some of it back to the community.

Here is my current plan: From July 10th to July 20th I want to pop five 2018 Cookies a day to start the server-wide santa fight.
After the fights are done I want to try and organize a "Marbles on Steam" giveaway EVERY DAY through Discord and give away most of my current tradeable inventory (there aren't really any heavy hitters but i think it's really fun to set up marble races and it's a fun community thing).
As for what time of day I plan on doing all of this, I'm thinking of 10:00 PM GMT+2. If you have any personal qualms about this then feel free to say so.

But yeah I think that's it, if you have any suggestions or wishes then by all means do tell me.
Until then I'll just be in my cave if you need me.

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  Beefyrulz - Unban Request
Posted by: Beefyrulz - 06-15-2022, 04:38 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (8)

Steam Name (Current): Beefyrulz

Steam Name (During incident): N/a

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27044000

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Beefzilla/

Name of staff you were banned by: N/a

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed ideally

Reason for ban: "nil"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: I suppose technically? nil as in nothing, I don't know how I could be banned from a server I don't think I've ever joined before?

What really happened?: Truthfully I have no idea.

Additional details: Yeah I don't even know. I even searched around on the forum in case this was a server I've been banned from before (which admittedly has happened), but I couldn't find anything about myself anywhere on the forum? If I try to join any of the other FRG servers I get the same ban reason; "nil"? So I dunno if y'all have anything on your back end for more info cuz there is a chance this ban is legit since I did have a period of time where I liked to 'fuck around and find out' on servers cuz I was a bored teenager which is no excuse ofc, but y'know.

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  brass should
Posted by: SadBox - 06-14-2022, 08:24 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

brass, i was thinking that you should

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  SadFatDegenerate - Membership Application
Posted by: SadFatDegenerate - 06-14-2022, 08:31 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (5)

Age: 19

Steam Name: SadFatDegenerate

Time played on servers?: 1200 (I blame afk'ing crates. I promise I go outside)

Where did you hear about this server?: Some friends from high school referred me in like mid 2021

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope

Why do you want to join?: I like the community despite its challenges at times and having a title might make me feel a little better about those hours up there lol. I also love the server design wise.

Referred by: Reaver/Dox

Additional Details: I too main PVE mostly these days excluding the obvious seasonal events/bimonthlies

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Lightbulb Misery's End Extinct
Posted by: dox - 06-14-2022, 08:26 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Misery's End Extinct Idea:

The Misery's End will obviously still be able to collect essence from other players and mobs by damaging them and consequentially get a random buff. I'm suggesting that the Misery's End retains some of its characteristics and instead of using a card system like what we've seen recently, we use a self sacrifice overdrive of sorts. The overdrive would make whatever buff you got better, more detail on that later..., and the drawback to this would be the player receiving damage, 20-30 damage maybe?, and the buff's duration plummeting, could possibly just be a fraction of the remaining duration to keep it simple. I think that by using a system like this the Misery's keeps its uniqueness while also having a fresh concept for its extinct version.

Overdrived Buffs:
There are a lot of ways of going about "buffing" the buffs, but for the sake of simplicity, I think the buffs now should have both their positives and negatives increased. As much as I want to tack on like reload speed to the clip buff on the Misery's and do the same (add stuff in general) for all the others, I am not good at balance, and people flip over stat ranges... but I think the simpler option (overdriving the current ones) is way better.

If you have any complaints about the idea or anything you would like to suggest, please reply with your input! I would really like an extinct version for the misery's end and ironing out this suggestion would get me there faster with your help.

[Also the current buffs are shown below]
42% Mobility
50% reload speed
-10% Accuracy
-10% Jump Height

60 Clip
-5% Firerate

+25% body damage reduction
-5% damage decrease

+30% damage increase
+5% damage taken

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Star Dox Membership
Posted by: dox - 06-14-2022, 08:10 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (6)

Age: 20

Steam Name: dox

I have so many hours on this server it hurts to state. [ 80 hours in Trib by itself ]

Where did you hear about this server?: I played a little bit of NTG, 20 hours max, but I heard about FRG from a friend and played once during monthlies and dropped a wand which I traded ~PAIN~. I was off and on until last year, 2021, and now I play semi consistently.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, I'm not really problematic like that

Why do you want to join?: It's a cool game, and I like people in the community. I also spend way too much time on said game, so why not be a member?

Referred by: Reaver (SaurFeng) back in the day

Additional Details: Honestly nowadays I'm a PvE main nowadays.

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  Mousey complaint
Posted by: The Suess - 06-14-2022, 02:56 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (37)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Mousey

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:180957695

Map the event happened on: TTT1 (and ttt2 after people left ttt1 to avoid the event spam)

Date of event: 6/13/2022

What Happened?:
- Mousey started first event
- people finished it
- mousey started second event
- people complained then finished it
- mousey started third event
- people complained more then eventually finished it
- mousey started fourth event
- people complained then left for TTT2 to avoid the event spam and actually play ttt
- mousey followed to TTT2 to start another event
- mousey got offline after killing TTT

Witnesses: a lot of people just look at general chat

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/698168795415707748/986096122097446982/unknown.png (image of him following/harassing take your pick)

https://discord.com/channels/278172280897404928/386258140112355329/986096721371222067 start of the message train of people complaining about the event spam consistently in general chat

I have 0 expectation of this going anywhere just want it formally archived once it's "resolved" and act as somewhere not discord for people to complain (since this is a complaint and all) Smile

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