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  yas Ban Appeal
Posted by: yas - 02-02-2022, 05:51 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (5)

Steam Name (Current):
Steam Name (During incident):
Chaxter Brown
Steam ID:
Steam Profile Link:
Name of staff you were banned by:
Nil (console)
Length of the ban:
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:
Either, I would just like to play the server again.
Reason for ban:
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:
Yes i did cheat
What really happened?:
I cheated on the server 3 years ago. Theres not much to say for myself, i just decide that i wanted to cheat on the server.
Additional details:
Im sorry for cheating on FRG. As much as I can remember, I am pretty sure I had no warnings. I would really like to play the server again and have another chance! I was a decent member on the server, not causing any drama or issues appart from me cheating, and id like to play FRG again as im going to stop playing velkon as im not treated very nice there ;_:

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  request for Dinked1885/hentaihaven.red's goblin ban to be lifted
Posted by: hentaihaven.red - 02-02-2022, 04:51 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (26)

there is a lot of repeating info in here bc it was originally posted on disc and was made very quickly, i would prefer brass view this.
to start off;
I never afk farmed
I asked if afking was allowed and didnt see a text cause it was covered up by other texts so i went and did it until i was told i couldn't which was like 20 seconds
im not complaining in gen and never was im just trying to talk in here and i get flamed for being a "goblin" and they act like i started it by getting mad when im not sensitive its just fucking annoying.
"I goblin banned him cause he was banned for mass rdm, unbanned by mousey and given a 2nd chance, was toxic af in general, asked how to afk farm, applied it to ttt when nyte meant lobby only, afk'd for 2 maps during giveaways. Instead of re-perma banning him I goblin banned." half of this was over exaggerated
and i didnt mass rdm mass rdm is 3+ i only killed 2 and was just "ignorant" on the fact that they were getting us out so i thought that it was the only way.
" was toxic af in general, asked how to afk farm"- i asked if it was allowed and missed the message where it said "lobby" because it was covered up by notis and his other messages, wasnt "toxic af in general"-I actually tried to be nice and verbally civil in gen chat then got spewed names at because i got banned and "goblined" i was getting pinged every 3 seconds with a toxic ass message directed towards me and then when i get mad im the bad guy.
"afk'd for 2 maps during giveaways"-i didnt i was there for the whole time just barely played because i was eating and it wasn't 2 maps it was half a round where i sat there and slurped my noodles. Brass, i hope this message suites you well and clears up all the misled info coming from your insanely baised and over-exaggerative mod/manager(s).

one thing i'd like to clearify is that i was literally getting dms with my ip in them and death threats to my family because i was goblin banned so i left the server for a week and came back and reported the ppl but it was never responded to because im "The Goblin".
never got any pics or names because i recently factory reset my pc and that was on my old account that is set up for deletion right now.
not sure if there was a template or not if there was i failed to use it and i am sorry for that but the passage above says enough.

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  Buying Hellfire and Muta Glock
Posted by: Red - 02-02-2022, 04:09 PM - Forum: Trading - No Replies

Plz dm me on discord @RedMan I have been searching for these items forever now.

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Lightbulb Master Scroll
Posted by: The Suess - 01-29-2022, 09:53 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Master Scroll


A "Master Scroll" could be started once a month (Cooldown could be changed depending on end loot/difficulty/VIP status/If it's crafted/whatever).

Progress to Master Scrolls would be tied to each scroll you have active. Instead of having goals like kills/damage/slider/etc, it would progress through individual ticks of progress from your easy/medium/etc scrolls (could also be tied to PVE goals).
EXAMPLE an easy scroll gives you a 17 kill challenge, if you use a gilded/challenge gun you could only get those 17 ticks of progress on the Master Scroll but if you used a non-gilded it would be a possible 34 ticks of progress on the Master Scroll from that one stage.

- With this being added people could get more bang for their buck having fun with their non-sweaty (to an extent) weapons completing scrolls slowly or you could still speedrun scrolls for their initial loot with lower Master Scroll progress gained per normal scroll.

- To promote not sweating further, using a socket primary/secondary or buckshot could/should grant no progress to Master Scrolls.

- Master Scroll would have its own dedicated tab in the Activities tab
- Runes of easing would have no effect on these
- Hard/Expert/Professional easings would have no effect on these
- Depending on how this wanted to be rolled out each scroll tier could have its own Master Scroll (i.e "Easy/Hard/pro Scroll Master") or they could all be geared towards the same final contract reward under just a "Master Scroll" title.
- This could finally be the introduction of the Tormented Annihilation (janus LMG)

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  Balbasur- Membership Application
Posted by: Balbasur - 01-23-2022, 03:32 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (4)


Steam Name(Current): Balbasur

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):
TTT: 192 hours
Lobby: 77 hours
Tribulation: 18.5 hours

Where did you hear about this server?:
I had originally found the server during Christmas of 2019 while searching random servers. I really loved the inventory system and unique weapons, but the total process of the server never really clicked for me. I would pop in and out for a few weeks at a time until about November of 2021, where I've been playing very consistently and learning the server mechanics since then.

Have you ever been banned and why?:

Why do you want to join?:
I'd like to contribute to the community, I've personally experienced a ton of fun from the server so I'd like to be titled as an advocate for it.

Referred by:

Additional Details:

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  mEmBeRsHiP - gAmZeE mAkArA
Posted by: gAmZeE mAkArA - 01-22-2022, 06:51 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (2)

Age: 26

Steam Name(Current): gAmZeE mAkArA

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 52 in TTT

Where did you hear about this server?: Looking around after GFL

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: After coming back to Good after a while, I think this server is more my style. Laid back super cool ):0)

Referred by: No one (yet, just waiting on those mIrAcLeS)

Additional Details: I like to play late nights and would love to keep doing so as a member, my mothafhonkas! hOnK hOnk hOnK ):0)

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Information Water Treatment 2: Walkthrough
Posted by: The Suess - 01-18-2022, 05:01 PM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

After about 9 hours of playing/editing then an hour of rendering and another hour of uploading its finally done Smile

Time stamps for every gem and small chest in the description on youtube!

idk why someone would want to see this but I found it funny (the markers are color-coded to different items like gems and chests

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  Jerome Unban Appeal v1
Posted by: Kendrick Lamar NotFound.Tech - 01-18-2022, 12:05 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (13)

Steam Name (Current): Jerome

Steam Name (During incident): Jerome <- Steam Juwan#1409 <- Discord

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71528792

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Juwan/

Name of staff you were banned by: Brassx (Console)

Length of the ban: Perma

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Ban shortened to a minimum of 6 months or whatever staff decide is reasonable, or my ban being removed altogether.

Reason for ban: Mute Evading in the discord, cumulation of multiple other things which lead to a Perma in-game.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes, I did, and I fully regret it.

What really happened?: Got muted for saying if you vape you are the "F Slur" and rejoined the discord.

Additional details: Yes, I know the community may not want me back, it has been almost 7 months from when I was banned, and I thought maybe I will give it another chance with the promise of no issues coming out of me since I plan on being under the radar once again for awhile. I know most people will probably think I will come back and be the same, but some people have kept me up with the "new toxicity rule". I plan on just being nice and ignoring everyone, now that I have slightly matured (in what the toxicity of me would be, which is I no longer say the n word so freely, I no longer tell people to "kill themselves", and a lot of other things), I say slightly, even though it is a lot more then that, and cut myself out from the friend group that were always toxic.

and then for the question about my discord account that I was banned with for discord, yes it did get hacked, I made a new one instead of using my alt accounts as my new main, I barely use it now, so being unbanned/allowed to rejoin the discord would 100% be up to Brassx for that.

My new discord is "Juwan#6393" which will be changing soon.

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  Water Treatment 2
Posted by: Brassx - 01-14-2022, 08:59 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (6)

The post below is from parade:

Water Treatment

Water Treatment is back, separate from The Lobby onto its own Gamemode! Water Treatment has been altered to be a standalone mode. This is not a limited time event, so you will be able to complete it at your own pace.

--- What Was Water Treatment?
For those who weren't here last year, Water Treatment was a limited time jump puzzle course attached to The Lobby. The course itself was not linear and allowed exploring with some risk-taking. You could pick your own path to where you want to go. By travelling through the map and completing the various courses, you were able to gain loot from chests. No Loadout was needed and all players could play.

--- What Has Changed?
The original Water Treatment is now on its own server, as well as an entire separate region was created in addition. With the size increase, Checkpoints are now sparsely littered through the map, however, these are not your average Checkpoints. Some courses were removed from the original Water Treatment (Maze and Elevator).
Big Chests and Small Chests are still in. You can find Big Chests at the end of a path you took, usually behind an intricate course. You can find Small Chests throughout the various sections of the map, occasionally behind a small jump puzzle course.
With new and returning courses, expect to be able to compete in Speed Running. You can start a Trial to track your time. You can also watch a recording of the fastest time for each course.
You can spectate players in the server and see what they're doing (don't choke).
As a new form of parkour, Wall Running has been added also voice chat is in proximity.

--- Difficulty
Water Treatment has a variety of difficulties in the courses you will be facing throughout the map. Some players will struggle in these course and some will attempt with ease. Every course is possible for every player if you play enough (except for one, good luck). Water Treatment is not a limited time event, so you are free to come and attempt these courses. Water Treatment will be getting map iterations from time to time, so if you are giving up with certain courses, you can return in the future and try again on something new.
I do urge for everyone to try the gamemode out at least once, even if you particularly don't enjoy jump puzzles, it has a change of atmosphere from the rest of the gamemodes.

--- Trials
Trials are timed courses. When you start a trial  your actions are recorded so if you get the Server Record, everyone can see your run through of the course until someone beats your record of course. They can spectate the record by typing !specrecord <partial course name>. You can also see the 'ghost' of the record holder completing the course, they show up as a yellow orb with a trail.

--- Assets Used and Credits

Thank you Limeinade creating the warehouse facility hall section before Wall Crushers (spoilers!). He is truly the devil for this one!

Assets Used
TOPHATTWaffle - Real World Textures
Philip Klevestav - PK02 Textures

Thank you parade for providing me with the above text. Below are my own notes and extra info.
  • You can type and of the following
    !checkpoints, !cp, !c, !trials
  • to open your main WT hub UI:
    From this UI you can see your unlocked checkpoints, set your respawn point, see the current records and other things. It's quite useful. You can also bind a key to the console command br_open_checkpoints.
  • Cross-server text chat between the Lobby and Water Treatment. You can use TEAM CHAT for localized chat.
    This allows players to communicate to those on the lobby or WT. It just makes it feel a bit less lonely and its tech I'll be using more in the future.
  • Spectating players
    You can spectate anyone on the server via !spec <name>. There is a bug where apparently people out of spectator mode can not hear you talking so keep that in mind. It also displays the number of people spectating you in the top right corner.
  • Record Replays.
    I made a cool system that records players attempting to go for records, and plays their run back for everyone to spectate if they choose. It's pretty cool. !specrecord <partial course name>.

To join type !wt . Right now it's 40 players and crates are disabled, but there's support for multiple servers if needed, ontop of that it's on the old hardware so it is possible 40 players is too many for it to run, so we will see!

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  joe +Member Application
Posted by: joe - 01-13-2022, 07:34 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (1)

Steam Name(Current): joe

Age: 23

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why?: Not that I am aware of.

Why would you like to be promoted?: To handle RDM reports while I am playing.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I play TTT a lot and am active in the discord.

Do you have any administrative experience?: Previously SA on a F2S, was mod/developer on a DarkRP server some years ago.

Additional Details: None really.

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