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Posted by: Red - 01-10-2022, 11:35 PM - Forum: General - Replies (4)

Hi guys,

As many of you know, I am really dumb when it comes to the market which I have started to notice is leading lots of people trying to send me scam offers for high price items that I have. I tell people some of the people offers that I get (many of which are really scammy) but leave out the names of people that are sending me offers and it's so bad that people are telling me that I should report others for trying to scam me. I don't like naming these people off, because i havent been on frg consistently in awhile and I feel like I am simply just susceptible to being scammed. Am i doing something wrong?

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Rainbow FRG 2022 Goals
Posted by: Mousey - 01-10-2022, 09:04 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (16)

Hello fellow Furrunners, I know I'm a little late on the new year but I wanted to take some time to address the community as a whole since it has been almost exactly a year since Parade and I have taken over managing.
I would like to discuss here what we acomplished in the last year and what Parade and I have made plans for the coming year.

The biggest change that came this year was the reforming/rewriting of the rules of the server as well as punishment guidelines. Our work on these two things specificly have laid the groundwork for a lot of what we'd like to accomplish as Managers in 2022.

In tangant with this our biggest goals this year include working on a better system to help discourage toxic behavior on the server as well as better utilization of the tools we already have in place.  I’m sure certain players have noticed harsher punishments during more tense times on the server cough giveaways cough and with discord's introduction of the timeout feature hopefully joking around a banter will get to the point of mindless flaming and harrassing far less often.

In addition to this, Parade and myself both feel that finding a system that allows us to be more lenient with whos on the staff team as well as streamlining the prossess a bit more would be a major factor in creating a better atmosphere for the server in general.

And that is what the majority of our focus will be on this coming year, please keep in mind that a lot of the more major reforms to our rules and staffing move slow due to many reasons (Both Parade and I being very busy people IRL, Brass being very busy with constant updates to the server, poor communication with the staff team at times etc.) so please have patience with us and understand that we try our best.
A few smaller goals for the year also include:

-Cleaning up the Discord a bit (Deleting unnecessary channels, roles)
-More Forum esc stuff being intergrated into Discord such as commenting on apps or creating player reports.
-Hosting a community meeting where we can discuss the current state of the server and where to go from here management wise.

Finally, I will leave you folks off with a few friendly reminders.

I cleaned up the forums recently for a reason, I currently check them everyday and handle player complaints/unban appeals/etc as quickly as I can. Obvious more simple things can be handled by only one of us making things get done far quicker.

My DMs as well as Parade's are always open uWu for any report of misconduct on the server, but please remember that we can do basically nothing without any form of proof. If you are going to take the effort to complain about something please just take the extra 30 seconds to screencap, shadowplay, or ANYTHING we can use so we don't have to just tell you "tough luck"  This also isnt a promise that every minor misstep on the server will be treated with a punishment, many many many situations can be resolved with a short talk over what happened and its important to remember that.

I am your master, I always will be. Nothing short of divine intervention will end my reign over you.

If you have any input on our goals or reasonable additions to them that you feel we can accomplish, don't be afraid to talk to Parade or myself. We both try to reply to as much as we can.

Its been a lovely year with you guys and I'm excited for another year of epic gaming moments. Thanks for putting up with my bullshit and hope you all had a lovely holiday season.


PS. I asked Parade if he had anything else to add and this is what he said:

"I am the all seeing eye. I am the benevolent of all true spirits. Nothing can contort my mind by the conservations of your surreptitious ideas. I will display acts of truthfulness to our fellow furrunner gamers, and know that we are all deep inside, furries"

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Posted by: Sloth - 01-10-2022, 05:54 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

Quest idea
Quests apply a variety of buffs to the bosses to make them harder in exchange for frgs


(Boss) - (Name of Quest) | (Chat flavor text)

Worm Queen - Birth of a Wyrm | The air begins to boil

Effect - Wyrm queen is red tinted. Poison balls apply ignite. When she rises from her hole, Frostburn tornados shoot around her. On death, she makes explody noises.


Abyssal - Keeper of the Deep | You feel the immense pressure of the tides

Effect - Abyssal is tinted blue. The edges of the arena periodically spawn Kraken tentacles that can be killed, and won't go away unless they are.
That's it, would break up the routine of dancing around abyss.


Castle - The Kingdom's Army | They are not one.. They are many!

Effect - Upon killing red or blue, they float into the air and explode into 10 weaker versions, midget versions of themselves that chase down players.


Kraken - The Abyss Calls | The darkness grows

Effect - Kraken is tinted black. Kraken's water balls are tinted green like abyssal's balls. When Kraken tentacles slam, miniature Abyssal Shockwaves occur in the vicinity.
When Kraken get up from being down, Kraken Shockwave happens (This should happen in normals anyways, would be dope.)


Bloodwynn - Familia mortuorum | Your bones rattle, the earth quakes...

Effect - At 50% hp, Bloodwynn lets out a scream (

) that shakes you to your core. Survival dogs begin to spawn periodically from the map edges.


Simple quests to appease "If feasible" that still require 'some' preperation.

Worm Queen - Deal 10000 damage to worm queen with DoTs

Bloodwynn - Use a ninjato only to defeat Bloodwynn (I did it, it's easy peasy)

Abyss - Use Acheron's Obscurity to deal the final blow to Abyssal

Rewards - Frg points and a roll at the rare loot table of each boss.

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  Ban length reduction
Posted by: shiro17k - 01-08-2022, 11:54 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (9)

Steam Name (Current): misery

Steam Name (During incident): misery

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:575573331

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/shirio17k/

Name of staff you were banned by: Mousey

Length of the ban: 7 Days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: shortened

Reason for ban: Killbinding Inno Rounds during giveaway

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yea.

What really happened?: Was at a family dinner and didn't want to miss out a chance at the giveaway, decided to steamlink and consequently suicide on my inno rounds in order to avoid being afked, only actively played when it was my T round. Brass said he !notify me but i honestly couldnt tell from the small chatbox on my phone.

Additional details: if i could get the ban shortened, i wouldnt mind missing out the rest of the monthly giveaways, just wanna do iod runs and play ttt.

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  its a hard life for a lvl 1
Posted by: DELETED USER - 01-07-2022, 11:06 AM - Forum: Shit Posting - No Replies


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  Gaungy - Unban Appeal
Posted by: Gaungy - 01-06-2022, 04:59 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (7)

Steam Name (Current): Gaungy

Steam Name (During incident): Gaungy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59603296

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079472318

Name of staff you were banned by: Mousey

Length of the ban: 1 week

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Most likely shortened.

Reason for ban: AFKing after being kicked during giveaway.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes I did.

What really happened?: I would like to start off by apologizing, for making anyone or my peers around me angry for what I did. I did not realize the absolute amount of hate I would have gotten for doing this and I did not realize the timely length of the ban that I could have received. If I knew in advance that I would be banned for the same amount of time as someone who RDMs or does something strenuous against the rules like toxicity I would have never done it. In the beginning, I was on the server from 7 AM EST, until around 4-5 PM EST when I had received my ban. When the giveaways initially broke I had to take a break and fill out some life activities, go get food for my house and get stuff for my mother for covid, etc... when doing so I decided it would be a good idea to chrome remote desktop stream on my computer to try and play on the server and spin that giveaway. I should have realized after around 10 minutes of trying this that it was not going to work, my streaming service couldn't even properly function to have me look straight and it had a ludicrous amount of issues, but I continued, not thinking of the consequences and was eventually kicked. Not realizing my first mistake of being kicked I joined again, and then the same exact thing happened, I played went afk at times and functioned like a robot. From then I made my way home and found out my brother and my mother were positive for covid, when I opened my phone back up I also saw that I was banned from the server for a week. I didn't really know what to think at first because I was just bewildered by everything. I didn't realize the true hate that I got from doing this as I heard from sources that I was getting threatened with a perma ban and had this cloud of hatred over me for trying to grind for something that I have been for almost all day. I knew my method was an absolute disaster but I didn't want to sacrifice my chances out of greed to someone who might have only been playing for 30 minutes for the drop. This was entirely my fault and I should have left my PC off and away from the server, but I am also conflicted about the 7-day sentence of the ban. I left the discord out of a sort of internal anger and hope that my karma was not ruined by this since I saw and heard so much talk about how terrible it was. I am truly sorry again.

Additional details:

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  Box Unban
Posted by: SadBox - 01-04-2022, 09:28 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (3)

Steam Name (Current): legospidermanfan882

Steam Name (During incident): legospidermanfan882

Steam ID: 76561198211520816

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198211520816/
Name of staff you were banned by:

Length of the ban: 7 days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: shortened

Reason for ban: targeted rdm

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

What really happened?: i fucking stomped on some pleb, rocked his shit...

Additional details: i want it reduced to 5 days (im not apologizing, i just think 5 days is cooler)

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  Gaungy - Membership Application
Posted by: Gaungy - 01-02-2022, 05:12 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (8)

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): Gaungy

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):360 Hours In Total, 222 Hours TTT, 109 Hours Lobby, 29 Hours Trib

Where did you hear about this server?: I mostly browsed TTT servers as a kid after falling in love with WoGs and Moat and other older servers, found FRG in 2015 and fell in love for a period of time, took a lot of mini breaks and would often play for 1-2 months at a time before I would log off for awhile

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: The more I play the server the more I love the community, everyone sticks together like glue and its always fun to talk to everyone either with discord or just in game

Referred by:

Additional Details: game over yeeeeaaaahhh!

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  a necessary addition to FRG
Posted by: Jilgert - 01-02-2022, 10:37 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

We NEED the boogie bomb as a nade, it is the god given right to FRG player everywhere to get their boogie on!

Also make Cursed Daggers a primary like Autem Smile

That is all

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  CatFIsh - Membership Application
Posted by: CatFIsh - 01-01-2022, 08:36 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (1)

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): CatFIsh

Time played on servers?(!time username to check):796 Overall (465 in TTT)

Where did you hear about this server?: I was scrolling in Gmod gamemodes back in 2018 and found the boss rush server (brass plz bring it back)

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: After all this time playing and being apart of this community, id like to be officially recognized as a true member of the server.

Referred by:

Additional Details: I also help alot of new players when they first join and show them the uniquness of the server.

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