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  Originalminds +Member App
Posted by: Originalmind - 09-06-2023, 09:09 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (1)

Steam Name(Current): Originalmind

Age: 22

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: no

Why would you like to be promoted?: I would like to help the server and feel like I play a pretty decent amount would like to be able to handle any situations when other staff or +members are not online.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I have 1000+ hours on FRG alone I've been a member of the community for a long time and would like to help people when needed.

Do you have any administrative experience: I do not have any experience but I'm a fast learner.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: : I love FRG and the community and what Brass does with the server and as it improves I'd like to be apart of it.

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  FRG Archives/Relics
Posted by: Dylansonfire - 08-27-2023, 04:59 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Given how much different content there is spread across other servers and how many items and unique stuff you can fight and gain, I think a really cool addition would be something called

FRG Archives/Relics

Basically, this feature is a tab in the inventory that adds an interactive menu that adds an option to scroll between each different type of content like IOD, Trib, Lobby, Ostara etc...
and each type of Archive/Relic content area will contain different types of unlockables that each area provides. So when you do click on the let's say the Ostara card, it will take you to a new menu that will list everything you can find or unlock in that area, some things may be hidden until you find them. Below is a mock-up of what that menu can look like and its from Lost Ark, its simply an image that shows what Im thinking.


Below is the menu that it goes to when you do click on one of the cards above would look like. It is an example from Lost Ark and is more of an example image to get into what the suggestion is about, basically, it shows what each area has for unlockables and what you can find there in terms of Enemies, Collectibles, and Areas to explore. For an example of what this page would look like, let's use Ostara as an example, you would see all the different enemies in Ostara you can find, each floor/area you can find, and different unique items you can find here, and among the different things that you can add here that can be found in Ostara.
Also for each 10% you explore of that server, you get a reward, so each server would show a reward up for 100% so 10 rewards in total and each reward will be unique to that server, more info on that in the extra info below.


PS: The name of this feature and the images are merely an example and are not meant to be taken as what the feature would look like or named like in FRG.

Extra Info: Why add something like this? Well, it would add a more rewarding system for your effort in grinding even if you're not getting the drops you want, even if you are grinding on a certain server of content, during the grinding process you are unlocking and exploring the FRG Relics/Acrhives, and each big step you have rewards, a unique item or something related to that type of content. For example for Grims, for each 10% of that content you explore, you are rewarded something, so maybe a grim unique item like the pouches or the unique grims gem used to add a trait to your weapon, things like that.

If you like this idea give it a thumbs up reaction to show your support Smile

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  Lua Error Every 5-10 Seconds
Posted by: Dylansonfire - 08-21-2023, 05:45 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Ever since I got the death conq drop from Ostara, I get lua errors no matter where I put the weapon, in a bag, badge or in my inventory, I get the error when I open the inventory or while I am in the inventory every 5 seconds, you can see the error below.




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  Gage/Gaungy Member+ Application
Posted by: Gaungy - 08-20-2023, 09:42 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)

Steam Name(Current): Gage

Age: 20

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes, the most recent ban coming from memory was during the celebratory giveaway. During this I proceeded to go out while still trying but not functionally able to play TTT to get medicine for myself and my parents due to us being sick. When this occurred I managed to roll the giveaway beam sword, during this altercation causing myself to be banned due to this incident.

Why would you like to be promoted?: I personally want to help the server in any way possible even if that means doing work that others find monotonous or tedious. Sometimes while playing TTT instances can come across where nobody member+ is online to handle reports and sometimes players can get annoyed by this fact. I feel as though due to my playtime and activeness I could help benefit the team by being an extra person who can help out for others who have had a position like this for quite some time now. I gain a hefty amount of self gratification even when doing the simplest of tasks if it means helping out the server I play and love the most.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I have a combined 1500+ hours on FRG, 900 being in lobby and 640 being in TTT. I feel as though we sometimes fall short with member+ roles being active and id like to add an extra layer of support to those who are currently active. This in combined with full activeness in discord as well as general interactions with the community and its members.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yes, ive modded and have been staff on a few DarkRP servers in my past such as ICE as well as dedicated experience to similar servers like Bobs TDMRP

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): Yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: : )

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  Discord Unban Request
Posted by: Dylansonfire - 08-19-2023, 08:33 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (2)

Steam Name (Current): kick.com/dylansonfire

Steam Name (During incident): Not sure of the exact name, it could of been Dylansonfire or god tier player.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48767881

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057801491/

Name of staff you were banned by: Unknown

Length of the ban: Unknown, Perm?

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either, whatever works.

Reason for ban: Posting a war video that had violence in it.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.

What really happened?: Years ago, I think 2-3 years, I was told by one of the Discord staff members that I was banned for that video I posted, although it's been a while now and I don't remember exactly the details as this happened years ago. I wasn't aware at the time of how strict that discord was and I apologize as it's my fault for not reading the discord rules fully to know the limits and restrictions of the content to post there.

Additional details: I did make a post about this on the day I got banned but it got heated and wasn't really going anywhere in any positive direction in terms of the conversation. I'll admit I was a bit immature back then and started a lot of unnecessary beef with some community members but now I am getting back into frg it would be nice to view the channels and the community there. I have been playing for the past week now and really getting back into FRG and being able to access trading channels is a must to grow from a newbie to somewhat of better understanding player of FRG economy.

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Video Trial Of Ostara Bug With Fire Rate.
Posted by: Dylansonfire - 08-17-2023, 04:51 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

So I noticed when I get the fire rate buff or even sometimes without it my current build just deletes the bullets and only 1 of the 15 CLIP actually comes out of the gun. The video should show what I'm talking about.



As you can see, if I kill an enemy and I get that blitz buff, my gun stops working basically lol.

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  It's that time of the year again! (Again!)
Posted by: Jed Zander - 08-17-2023, 02:59 PM - Forum: General - Replies (49)

Thats right players I am hosting yet another MASSIVE giveaway! The rules are simple, reply to this thread with your discord name. Thats the only requirement to enter, messaging me personally will not count as an entry.

The giveaway will happen September 16th at (idk probably 3pm EST) we will be playing Marbles on Stream until all the prizes are given out. Once you win once you are taken out of the pool for the rest of the giveaway.

These are the prizes and will be given away in no particular order, be sure to check back often as people are more than welcome to donate and add more prizes!

Jed's Mystery Bundle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An Azurfrost with lucky/gifted on the bottom row https://i.imgur.com/iDhvLqL.png
A base Bloodthirster https://i.imgur.com/uqwmZT3.png
Base Fists of Flame https://i.imgur.com/NG5R31o.png
This Dark Matter https://i.imgur.com/KPIqrJ8.png
This azurfrost with Gilded as the first node https://i.imgur.com/nmtxhBF.png
Exe Axe (could be a NTG reference idk) https://i.imgur.com/ZDtxkal.png
Hydra 1911, only has one head https://i.imgur.com/lGu8WWQ.png
Idruuch's Dusk, Base https://i.imgur.com/PUJLHEo.png
Grim's beloved WITH an onuris https://i.imgur.com/dgLl6e5.png
A base Speedster https://i.imgur.com/sKkDJZf.png
2 rolls for 150k
a Huginns! https://i.imgur.com/jIELntH.png
This Thrakos with the beam ignite thing but I bricked it with Pisces https://i.imgur.com/H7PRGpJ.png
This Ruinic https://i.imgur.com/L673aBz.png

The Conglom Pack!
Merc Big Glock https://i.imgur.com/4Jj4msP.png
A Starlight! https://i.imgur.com/O915ezI.png
Holo Plasma Recon. https://i.imgur.com/1Pv0RuS.png
Buckshot Deimos https://i.imgur.com/CdzIJlG.png
Spas 12 https://i.imgur.com/42HRydi.png
Something spooky https://i.imgur.com/TLsdvGL.png
Holy Water https://i.imgur.com/RHy40lZ.png
A base Caliburn https://i.imgur.com/zXcGZwO.png
Letale SG https://i.imgur.com/tikoDXt.png
A charred Corpse! https://i.imgur.com/uoahNt9.png
Ruinic Mosin https://i.imgur.com/7kAYJha.png
Stacked Egglock https://i.imgur.com/6CxyQKG.png
Ender of Dreams https://i.imgur.com/fOO7TED.png
More Flaming Fists https://i.imgur.com/FQmVqmE.png
Base Skulledge https://i.imgur.com/pGX8ClZ.png
Some Stones! https://i.imgur.com/C2kKkrt.png
(ty for this donger much appreciated)

Hope you all enjoy, I will update the prize list whenever new cool gets added to it.

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  Trials of Ostara
Posted by: Brassx - 08-05-2023, 12:12 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (2)

I realized I never made an official forums post for it, so here it is!

Our newest PVE Experience changes gmod forever. This dungeon feels like an entirely different game - It's a Top down roguelike experience. Currently solo only.

Try it out if you haven't, you can join the servers directly via the IP's below. Good luck!
Ostara #1 - !ostara1 |
Ostara #2 - !ostara2 |
Ostara #3 - !ostara3 |
Ostara #4 - !ostara4 |
Ostara #5 - !ostara5 |
Ostara #6 - !ostara6 |

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Sad SadBox's Ban Appeal
Posted by: SadBox - 07-29-2023, 04:46 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (2)

Steam Name (Current): SadBox

Steam Name (During incident): SadBox

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:125627544

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/klashjdjkslhdweiufnewfw

Name of staff you were banned by: Vhoxel

Length of the ban: permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: I would prefer for it to be repealed, but I'm willing for it to be shortened if that means I have a chance at still playing on the server.

Reason for ban: Alt Evading

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes

What really happened?: I can't remember the details exactly but one day I rdmd Vhoxel, which I was banned for. I have no disputes with that ban, and I took full responsibility. After the ban, I told Vhoxel in discord as a joke that I was alt evading and he should ban me. Pretty stupid joke, but I wasn't really thinking that he would ban me without making sure I was actually alt evading (which I wasn't). Some time later, I found out that Vhoxel took my joke literally and actually banned me for alt evading. So, to add fuel to the fire, I insisted on alt evading blatantly with a family shared account and troll in the discord by showing a NordVPN logo cause I was annoyed. I understand that I should have just made an appeal, and I would've probably gotten it approved pretty easily, but I decided to be immature about it and I'm sorry for that. I would also like to apologize to Vhoxel for being petty about the situation. Even though I joke around with him most of the time, I shouldn't expect him to be so lenient with discussions surrounding alt evading, since it's a relatively serious offense.

TLDR: I was alt evading cause I was falsely banned for alt evading (not that it was Vhoxel's fault, it's not his job to discern my joking or not via text). I'm sorry.

Additional details: I have honestly joined FRG for maybe a few minutes on other alt accounts a little while after the incident, and I'm gonna assume that probably hurts my case, but I'm gonna tell the truth regardless because I'm genuinely sorry. I just wanted to say hi to old friends. If that detail gets my appeal denied, at least I can be righteous about it.

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  Swedish Submarine Mem+ app
Posted by: Swedish Submarine - 07-23-2023, 10:13 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)

Steam Name(Current):Swedish Submarine

Age: 20

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Yes six years ago I was banned for saying something I was asked not to say (my unban request https://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=5890)

Why would you like to be promoted?: I feel like its time to move up a little bit. I'd say there have been many time where I wish I could've handled a report but that's not exactly true. I just think I could be a bit more of use as a higher rank and having at least the ability to take care of the nonexistent reports.

Why do you think we should promote you?: I have 1500+ hours in TTT and Lobby combined. I feel like I've been a good example of what a Mem+ should be.

Do you have any administrative experience: Yeah, I mean years ago I staffed for NTG and I have staffed for other gamemode like Flood/DarkRP.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details: HSwMS Gotland

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