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The Hoovy's Unban Request

-1 If he was banned for racism and toxicity idk about it espescially TWICE in 18 hours

+1 Hoovy is a legend and is reformed he is a legend from ntg and deserves immediate reinstatement!

+0 Hoovy is a legend but my Hoovy wouldnt be a racist

+0 The Hoovy and Sir surprise is near and dear to my heart, but I can't sign off on this given these troubling reports

I suppose the times have changed, as stupid as I was in the past, I promise I've changed. However, I can accept it if I'm not reintroduced to the server. TTT servers will always hold a place in my heart.

Lol just let the guy come back. I was there for his outbursts and the infamous bind that hala has "Mass RDM is active."

This was YEARS ago. I honestly do not remember any racism but that could have happened idk.

It has been a really long time since the ban, another chance does not hurt. We have been down this road before, unbanning someone who was permad. Just unban the dude and if he acts up severely, ban him again.

Let me explain a few things from what I can remember. I was around 9 / 10 when I decided to do this. And honestly I didn't even really knew what I did wrong besides be a dick. And now, I understand where I screwed up.

If I do get another chance, I promise I won't screw it up like my pre-pubescent dumbass self.

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