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Ruby Shrine debate.

My only opinion is the Ruby Shrine should only give out special cool guns, like the normal shrine stuff, not challenge scrolls or chests. Maybe improve the odds a bit to balance it, that's the only thing.

Otherwise, there's not a lot to donate for if you just wanna get stuff. You can donate to sell stuff to other players, but eh?
Ruby shrine is a good thing.

I agree with Alex here. Those of us without any time or very limited free time aren't able to get "fat stacks" of coins to use on shrine and Ruby shrine was a way for those of us that could, be able to obtain these "cool". If shrine keeps making reappearances and isn't indefinite, do what you did last shrine and have coins shrine up for a day or 2 before opening ruby shrine, so you can give those that do play the server endlessly the chance to beat out those that pay to discover an item from the shrine. IIRC last shrine, everything was discovered from coin shrine but rag and xssarb.

I dont mind it some people dont have time to grind the game out a bunch and they have some money they could possibly spend on shrine that they couldnt spend the time in game to get enough coins to actually use shrine and enjoy it to its full extent so yes i dont mind shrine with rubies.

Ruby Shrine cannot be bad for the server, but it can get out of hand if handled badly. Yes, a cap needs to exist, and yes, the price per roll needs to be adjusted.
Things simply spiraled out of control last time, but this concept can be good if used correctly.
Umpty Dumpty

I like it on the whole but it felt very punishing how expensive the roll cap was and how I still got shit tier weapons even at these exorbitantly high rolls.
included is a timeline of my experience with it.

as you can see i got a very rare drop on my very first roll. that's cool, that's pog. I previously pre-emptively donated $300 in preparation for ruby shrine so I had to proceed for the next $270 worth of shrine rolls just getting shafted beyond belief and it was not fun at fucking all.  especially when i'm getting 1 trait shadowstrikes, 2 trait shadowstrikes, a lucky railgun, etc.

just my thoughts on it.

inb4 ace babyrages at this reply

yeah i think its fine as long as there's a cap. otherwise i feel like, with all the people donating as much as they do, there would be soo much shit dropping out of it perhaps to the point where spending coins seems like a waste of time. as long as it doesn't get to that point, where donor drops completely overwhelm coin drops, it'd be dopalicious. i think a daily cap would be good

(04-27-2020, 08:04 PM)DONGERWEED29266602592O38523097 Wrote:  I like it on the whole but it felt very punishing how expensive the roll cap was and how I still got shit tier weapons even at these exorbitantly high rolls.
included is a timeline of my experience with it.

as you can see i got a very rare drop on my very first roll. that's cool, that's pog. I previously pre-emptively donated $300 in preparation for ruby shrine so I had to proceed for the next $270 worth of shrine rolls just getting shafted beyond belief and it was not fun at fucking all.  especially when i'm getting 1 trait shadowstrikes, 2 trait shadowstrikes, a lucky railgun, etc.

just my thoughts on it.

inb4 ace babyrages at this reply

I get how you feel, but I just have to say because I know no matter what people will feel how you feel: You were warned it was a gamble. I showed all of the statistics before hand, you agreed they were fine. You wanted it rushed out.

High risk, high reward. There's no guarantees you'll get what you feel is your moneys worth out of it, and I think that's crucial to it not turning straight pay2win. But that said, if I do change the ruby price curve, the difference in rubies will be refunded.

Godbless my dm's after this one.

So lets be honest, if ruby shrine is indeed added it will make people angry, probably the people who don't respond here or w/e but theres always gonna be people who are upset that other people investing their money are getting more rewards on this server, it somewhat happened last time hence the reason we have to discuss if we need or want ruby shrine.

So, i don't think ruby shrine is a bad idea on the stance that let's be honest, rubies serve very little purpose in the server rn, i have like 10k and thats just VIP for 10 months in my eyes nothing more nothing less. Now, for this reason ruby shrine is not a bad idea at all, but the thing i noticed that somewhat annoyed me about the ruby shrine last time was after the crap ton of coins were spent on shrine and everyone was flushed out and didn't know what to do next just chillin hoping another big roller would come and smash out and get a deus or something awesome was pretty exciting, then we dropped ruby shrine. Suddenly you could see that the people that donated started pulling these super rare items that the f2p players just didn't get to see (or even roll for) but then if they had the real money for it instead they could just roll for the attempt. As shown in fuzzy's cute graph he got one of the rare items after donating, and didn't get anything for his few million coins. i think the ragnarok itself was obtained with rubies if i'm not mistaken, and really it depends on what the community wants to see. Ruby shrine will for sure show more of these exotic weapons or cooler weapons because alot of people i've talked to weren't even saving their coins but rather irl money for shrine because they expected ruby shrine to come out (do you think that's right, who knows)

So TLDR, i'm personally neutral on the matter, i don't even play that much. Ruby shrine will offer far more drops for players as people will donate for this and the people who don't will constantly sink their coins in and be sucked into the gamble (most likely) So do i think it's fair to add ruby shrine, yeah of course, supporting brass and giving a use for rubies is a +1, do i think it's bad for the economy because there will be plenty of players on 0 coins trying to quick sell for shrine and people who actually own coins because instead they chose to donate, it's likely to happen. I think the main problem is the people who will be against ruby shrine most likely won't even respond here. So here's my fatty paragraph trying to see both sides Smile. Come at me pussies instead of pinning dumb on this.

i say add ruby shrine tbh because some people wont be able to get coins and also it is their choice to spend money if people dont like that then they can argue but maybe becasue they dont have irl money but in game money

Not gonna donate cause I'm broke as FUCK, but I'm game.

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