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  Gerumon membership application
Posted by: Gerumon - 02-06-2023, 06:18 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)


Steam Name(Current):Gerumon

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 320hours 33mins on TTT
225 hours 26 mins on lobby

Where did you hear about this server?:known about it since brass launched when he left ntg

Have you ever been banned and why?:no i have not

Why do you want to join?:figured it was about time i went from a regular to a member

Referred by:no one

Additional Details: played on frg for years but never played enough for a member app on alot more now so figured i may as well go for it

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Posted by: ❤ Clairebear ❤ - 02-02-2023, 07:44 AM - Forum: Introductions - No Replies

i wanna play frg ttt again, i miss it. you probably knew me as celery god, if that name rings a bell. it's been long enough and enough about me has changed since I last touched frg that I felt like I could use a reintroduction. i can't wait to play ttt with the people in the computer yay

also to the people who remember playing w/ celery god, thanks for being so cool to me on frg over the years, you guys are great.

the launcher is so cool lol

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  revenge rdm SadFatDegenerate
Posted by: lielack - 01-25-2023, 08:09 AM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (3)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s):SadFatDegenerate

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:533519317

Map the event happened on: space station

Date of event: 25Jan2023

What Happened?: killed SadFatDegenerate on his t round after watching him us a t weapon then the next round he killed me on round start

Witnesses: no one saw him kill me but i have a clip of it

Evidence: clip of him revenge rdming me and a screenshot asking him why he killed me and he said cause i wanted to      

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  Water Treatment 2 - Anniversary: The Iterations of Water Treatment
Posted by: The Black Parade - 01-10-2023, 08:24 PM - Forum: General - Replies (8)

It has been one full year since Water Treatment 2 came out. First releasing back in 2022 on January 14th, according to the patch notes.

This is a thank you to everyone who played Water Treatment!
Even if you played for 5 minutes and quit on the first wall running section

It has been wonderful seeing everyone run these courses and putting in the effort to maximize runs, and even help others who might need a hand running the sewers ((The Suess, Alibi, Philip, the most notable people I can think of right now))
I again want to think everyone who has played and given their feedback on the gamemode, even the ones who have nothing good to say or for me to use. I of course want to thank Brass for putting in the time to develop a standalone gamemode, and take the risk on an already mixed event from 2020's Water Treatment.

I could end this post here, but I decided to look back on Water Treatment, its conceptions, the different iterations, and what's coming next...


Click on the spoilers under each title to display its contents.
Krampus (2016)
Water Treatment (2020)
Water Treatment 2 (2022)

Water Treatment: Voltage

Water Treatment: Chambers (2023)

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  Tango + member
Posted by: Tango(SCRUB) - 01-07-2023, 07:49 PM - Forum: Approved - Replies (2)

Steam Name(Current): Tango(SCRUB)

Age: 21

Current Rank: Member

Have you ever been banned and why: Karma, old exploit abuse, and pretty sure thats all I dont know

Why would you like to be promoted?: To be able to help out in the server more when I get the chance to play

Why do you think we should promote you?: Long time member of the server and would like to be able to help out with reports as I did before the +member cleanse since I do play actively again

Do you have any administrative experience: Senior Admin on Moat(when it was alive), Darkrp, MilitaryRP.

Do you agree to FRG's policy on applications(yes or no): yes
(By agreeing above you are agreeing that you understand you are not entitled to said promotion, and that we have all rights to deny or approve the application
for any reason we see fit, you agree to not stir up any trouble if the application outcome is not your desired outcome.
Failing to abide by this can result in a full demote, or perma-denial.)

Additional Details:

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Posted by: Jed Zander - 01-02-2023, 11:27 PM - Forum: General - Replies (17)

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for another tournament! The rules are simple, it will be a 2v2 bracket until we get down to ten people, then after it will be a 1v1 bracket until only 1 player remains. We are playing rounds! You will need a mod manager (this https://www.overwolf.com/app/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager ) and a mod called "rounds with friends"

To enter, simply reply to this thread. Registration ends at 5PM EST January 6th and the tournament will be held January 8th around 3pm EST. Better get your practice in!

The only part people care about: The prizes!

Third place will win a soulblaze of immunity

Second place will win this! https://i.imgur.com/te917UB.png

And the top prize will be....... My ACR collection!

I am not departing, just bored of it and thought it would make a good prize.

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  [MK] Ziri_Z3R0 - Membership Application
Posted by: [MK] Ziri_Z3R0 - 01-02-2023, 04:54 AM - Forum: Denied - Replies (6)

Age: 22

Steam Name(Current): [MK]Ziri_Z3R0

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): ~90 Hours on TTT, ~16 Hours in the Lobby

Where did you hear about this server?: I came across the server back in 2015 in the server browser

Have you ever been banned and why?: I have never been banned

Why do you want to join?: I want to join because this place is really the only reason I play GMod anymore, And I want to be a part of this community

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: Usually I'm on between Midnight and 6-7AM EST, and have been playing for the past week due to realizing that the server isn't dead (I was a little oblivious to the fact that the servers had to migrate)

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  Vhoxel - Staff Complaint
Posted by: Fluffy The Winter Witch - 12-31-2022, 11:15 PM - Forum: Complaints - Replies (5)

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Seal

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:52609766

Map the event happened on: Bikinibottom

Date of event: 12/31/2022

What Happened?: The round started and I killed a guy in the tunnel above where the sea bear trap comes from and identified the body. Vhoxel then came up into the tunnel and killed me, then would not slay himself. It is clear in the death scene that he saw nothing and went off of sound/gun, even though the guy could have easily been shot from outside the tunnel. The video with the evidence contains the deathscenes from my kill and when vhoxel killed me, his response to my report and his response to me keeping it.

Witnesses: No one saw it happen, sent the video to Kazen and others.


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  FRG Christmas Pre-release notes - 12/23/2022
Posted by: Brassx - 12-23-2022, 11:06 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (5)

The FRG Christmas Event is here!


With it comes exciting new items, features such as the "Christmas Spirit" bar on the Lobby, Seasonal Daily tasks (including PVE tasks), and a return of the old Favorite Santa Raid Fight! Group up with your fellow players and defeat Santa. But be warned: Santa has not been sitting idle the years since the last group fight. He has been training, waiting for this moment.

Full changelog below:

  • Added Christmas Present VII (crazy it's been this many already). This present contains a good assortment of new items, traits, and skins.  These are for rubies only in the shop for ~1 week. Then they will be available for coins.
    This present is an attempt to sort of 'go back to our roots', in terms of how a crate's godlike used to feel awesome to get. I put a good deal of effort into that type of item in this present. We'll see how it goes and if everyone enjoys it, and how I can further improve.  
    Along side that, the "Random Godlike" slot for existing godlikes has been revamped to include more variety and they are much more likely to come decked out with seasonal stuff.
  • Added the new Seasonal Pass. This pass has a strong focus on community made suggestions for weapons and playermodels.
  • Added Christmas Stocking III's.
  • Adjusted the pass UI.
  • Added Seasonal Tasks to the Task UI. These can be pve or pvp and have their own re-roll counter.
  • Completely remade my seasonal 'gift finder' system, unified it and fixed a number of bugs with it.
  • Added a "Christmas Spirit" bar to the Lobby.
    This is a bar that is filled by using Jolly Energy near it. When the bar fills, it sends out gifts - community wide. To recent players and those who contributed. The amount of rewards and drop rates of rarer rewards are adjusted based on how much a person has contributed to that specific bar. You obtain Jolly Energy by completing seasonal tasks (as shown above).
    The amount of energy needed to fill this bar is currently skewed to be harder than intended, so I can dial it back as I get more data during the event.
  • Adjust the amount of bits networked for a number of things - if you find any bugs with "Using" items not working, please let me know!

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  The FRG Steam Deck Giveaway!
Posted by: Brassx - 12-21-2022, 07:52 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (4)

Hello FRG Players! I hope you are all doing well. I am pleased to announce that we are giving away a Steam Deck to one lucky eligible person!

The winner will need to provide a valid US or Canadian Address, and it can not be a P.O. box as per steam's rules. I will be buying it directly from valve and using your shipping address in the purchase, as a per steam's suggestions on how to gift these currently.

Go here to enter!

The Giveaway ends December 31st 12 AM Central and the winner will be selected in the following days.

Some conditions apply though:

  • You must have a valid US or Canadian Address. It must not be a P.O. Box.
  • You must have at least 50 hours of playtime total, and must have played at least 5 hours in the last 30 days.
  • You must be in the discord and in our steamgroup.
  • Entering on alt accounts is not allowed, the winning account we will be investigating to ensure it is not an alt. If it's an alt, it will be re-rolled and all of the accounts linked will be removed from the giveaway.

Good luck gamers, and Happy Holidays!

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