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  Godtiers Ban apeal
Posted by: Godtier gmod.network - 10-17-2022, 06:26 AM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (2)

Steam Name (Current): Godtier

Steam Name (During incident): Godtier gmod.network

Steam ID: Steam ID: 76561198450105680

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/GodTierGG/

Name of staff you were banned by:

Length of the ban: 1 week

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Honestly either this server seems pretty fun and its community memebers arnt complete dicks unlike most gmod servers, i just want to be able to play again

Reason for ban: RDM and leave

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Kindof but no intentially

What really happened?: I walked down the stairs on some map i dont remember the name of and see a guy kill another guy and ID the body, it didnt pop up a red T like im used to from other servers so i assumed he was inno and shot the dude that killed him. After killing him i saw he was inno and checked the first body only to find he was a T. I appologized in VC and went on with my round and got trapped so i started shooting the thing trapping me and gmod crashed. I reloaded gmod and loaded up the server trying to get back in before the round ended so they didnt think i left but by the time i joined i was banned.

Additional details:

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  Halloween pre-release notes
Posted by: Brassx - 10-14-2022, 10:46 PM - Forum: Server Patchnotes - Replies (8)

It's that time of year again! The FRG Halloween update is upon us!

The new crate is here, it's a continuation of the "Skull Chest" series.


And of course, the new Seasonal pass.


Full notes:

  • Added the new "Skull Chest II". This grant 3 items at once like prior, so their price reflects that. This is available in the Coinshop for rubies for 1 week like usual, or you can obtain them for free via jack-o-lanterns, map pickups, minigames, etc. After the 1 week period, they will be available for coins.
  • Added the new Seasonal Pass.
  • Grim is ready to take on players in a 1v1 again, with a twist!. (Cursed daggers will be obtainable again from him, but more rare than prior, along with a new unique!)
  • Added a variety of "Halloween" re-imagined base weapons.

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  Jesse Membership
Posted by: JesseTheUndeadCowboy - 10-14-2022, 03:41 AM - Forum: Approved - Replies (18)

Age - 22

Steam name - JesseTheUndeadCowboy

Time played - 576 hours in ttt and 444 hours in lobby along with a good number of hours in other events. Although tbf some of the hours in ttt and lobby are probably me being afk or falling asleep without turning my computer off lmao.

Where I heard about this server - Mostly from my friend Speed I believe.
Have you ever been banned and why - no
Why do you want to join - ever since I came here I mostly liked the interesting guns and events and gameplay on here. I also like most of the players here. I would love to be a member of frg and be a part of this community. Thank you for reading.
Referred by - Philip

Additional Details - Wrote this late at night so if there is any mistakes in it sorry.

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  I was put on a timeout from chat on discord and in game
Posted by: SQUeeGE nosound - 10-13-2022, 10:38 PM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (8)

i told someone they had a penis and was warned for being transphobic, im not entirely sure that deserves being muted for a whole week or that it even deserves punishment entirely, my lady friends joke about having dicks all the time, i said the one thing and get punished i mean they could have just told me not to say things involving genitalia because they are sensitive to that or something but its the internet so i mean how should i know, all im saying is that a mod made a comment to drop whatever the person was ranting about afterwards and i didnt say anything about it, then they bring it to the general chat in discord and of course when i see myself being slandered as transphobic i needed to speak up for myself. I just feel like this whole situation, if you could even call it that, was handled poorly.

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  Deathrage Player Report
Posted by: ManeGunner6 - 10-13-2022, 12:07 PM - Forum: Resolved - Replies (5)

Steam Name of Offending Player: Deathrage

Steam ID of Offending Player: STEAM_0:0:104937313

Maps the event happened on: Various - dm_amsterville_night + ttt_roy_the_ship most notably + gm_lego_backlot

Dates of event: Various throughout 2022 - 19th of April + 27th of May + 6th of September

What Happened?: I don't remember exactly how it started...I think Deathrage first made his presence known to me when he joined god knows how long ago by saying mean things about my mother so I just blocked him and went about my day, figuring he wasn't worth interacting with since every interaction leading up to the block was of him trying to say rude things about me or to me. Details on this interaction are fuzzy.
That one interaction is not the focal point of this report, don't worry.
The focal point is that Deathrage keeps constantly trying to get my attention even to this day, whether it's following me around (sometimes only following me around too closely like he's a traitor lining a headshot up on me to kill me) and shooting towards me or at my feet during rounds and trying to traitorbait me. Sometimes he would ask others to send me messages on his behalf - usually rude in nature - to circumvent the block. Generally just being a gigantic nuisance, really.
On one occasion, he brought me up because he apparently enjoys getting an angry reaction out of me and The Suess commented on him being oddly obsessed with me. (I have a clip of The Suess's half of this along with conversation logs between me and Suess on this matter.)
To summarise: While he does traitorbait others and has been recorded doing this to others, Deathrage has made it a mission of his to constantly try to annoy the hell out of me and traitorbait + harass me or be an ass to me and although I have repeatedly asked him to stop and brought this to the attention of moderators and so on, he simply will not stop. If me making a fuss about it to members of Staff won't cause any action at all to be taken towards him, this will. I do not want to speak to Deathrage at all nor entertain his "annoying equals funny" one-dimensional personality but he will never take the hint and it's at a point now where even his very presence brings down my mood on FRG very quickly.

Witnesses: The Suess + Not John Smith

Evidence: (Reminder: Just because it wasn't recorded doesn't mean it didn't happen - there's a LOT more that he's done than just what I've capped)
dm_amsterville_night - 19th of April

May 27th:
(omitted: me yelling VERY angrily at deathrage after killing him, not john smith was present for this)

6th of September

the DMs between me and The Suess shortly after - the reason why this forum report was even a consideration in the first place

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  Preparing for the next Mixtape wave?
Posted by: TJ1524 - 10-10-2022, 07:31 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I love the idea of mixtapes, however, it doesn't seem that music gets added enough outside of the seasonal ones. I find that boring as I would love to have full mixtapes of music from this game or artist. What I would like to do is be able to help with the preparations so we could get another wave or rather more frequent waves of them so it's more exciting to get a new mixtape at the moment.

The goal is to make it so that the only thing that would have to be done would be to have Brass add them to the folders of categories and upload them and that's that. What that means is that I would like this thread so that people can suggest their music either by Youtube or if they want to include their own MP3s, that I could rename them into the proper categories that already exist.

I would also be separating the ones that I find to be a potential problem to the server in the case of either lyric issues or just a loud flat beep for the whole song. Don't know how many songs that will get past, but it seems like the original song list was somewhere near 400 to 500 or so?

With that said, let your song suggestions free.

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  TTT Vhoxel's Motel n' Diner (Halloween Edition)
Posted by: The Black Parade - 10-09-2022, 11:59 PM - Forum: Map Submissions - Replies (2)

Vhoxel's Motel n' Diner (Halloween Edition)

Vhoxel's Motel n' Diner has been revisited with a Halloween theme and numerous changes to the map!

This version is not replacing the normal map as there are a few features I placed risks on (which is explained below what the new stuff is), however, if you all enjoy this modification of the map, I'll keep it in with the original Vhoxel Motel.

So, what did Vhoxel change to his motel? Well, all of the previous map features are still present, with new additions such as --
  • The sun has fallen and the fog thickens.. and some pumpkins sprout up as well!
  • The Flogger has returned! just like previous maps featuring The Flogger, it is a Traitor trap placed in a conventional choke point.
  • We had extra funding to install a spa! Of course, we had to apply a subscription fee to the spa. But it is really a good price (I promise)!
  • Added Round Modifiers! There's a (high) chance to apply a round modifier. The round modifier will affect the round in some way. There are 11 total modifiers- some of them minor, while some apply extensive changes (this isn't entirely new content, as 6 of these modifiers were through an Easter Egg, but now these modifiers are random chance).
  • Replaced the old painting and nailed some new ones to fit the theme!
  • Changed 2 of the tracks in the music box...
  • Nytemart, now the new manager of the motel, is now monitoring over the Motel...


Unpoke - For the motel sign and many memes.
Nytemart - For the new voice lines
Excel - For a good deal
TaylorMadeDragons - For the cards in the map.
Bathory - For the P90 Sword

For those who participated in the "The Motel... It Needs YOUR Help Once Again!" thread
Shadow Wolf
Black Knight

Assets Used
RealWorldTextures - TOPHATTWaffle
Neon Textures - Koga73

Workshop Page Here! Subscribe for a fast download when the servers change maps.

Hopefully you enjoy your stay in this new themed motel! Here are some screenshots!

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  The Motel... It Needs YOUR Help Once Again!
Posted by: The Black Parade - 10-04-2022, 01:31 AM - Forum: Forum Games - Replies (34)

. . . Let me tell you all! It was so wonderful since the construction of my finest Motel back in 2019, so many visitors came to see my beautiful place I built (metaphorically) with my own two hands! So many great ratings (they are all 5 stars. I promise you), and so many wonderful faces throughout these years. I even reconstructed The Flogger!

But now, as I speak, the motel has been plunged under the darkness of financial instability once again. Why now? Well besides the economic collapse and raging gas prices, I need NEW DECORATIONS FOR THE FIRST EVER HALLOWEEN THEMED MOTEL. No motel has ever done a holiday themed event. So I, the greatest motel owner, Vhoxel, will be the first to do such a courageous act!

And where is the best place to start? Simple! Asking YOU to supply new pictures for the motel. And not just any pictures, ohhh no no no... SPOOKY PICTURES. Yes it is Halloween after all. It just makes sense to replace these old pictures you've seen plenty of times with more ""spooky"" to them!

What could these pictures be, you are probably asking yourself as you are reading. Well they could be anything... that fits in these guidelines:

  • 1 picture per user, if you add in more or cant decide and which one you want in, I'll select one of them. Alt accounts are not allowed.
  • The picture needs to be Halloween themed or spooky. If you want to post FRG related memes, you may, but I recommend finding/making "spooky pictures". Maybe it's a picture of you deconning a mercurial or a 24+ worldcarver and not getting the catalyst or something.
  • Post your picture on imgur.com, or have your picture show up in the thread.
  • Racism, gore, advertising, and any pornographic pictures are prohibited (follow FRG Guidelines).
  • Memes of other users are allowed, unless that user is offended by it or does not want the picture inside the motel.

If I put a check mark next to your picture/post it means I’ll add the picture to the motel.

If you don't even know what map I'm referring to, It's Vhoxel's Motel n' Diner: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1719010768

Make your own or find something on the internet! Have fun with it!
Submissions will end once I lock this thread (Oct 7th Midnight EST)

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  Zax Ban Appeal
Posted by: Zax - 09-26-2022, 07:22 PM - Forum: Unbanned - Replies (4)

Steam Name (Current): Zax

Steam Name (During incident): Mr_Cheese (maybe)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:137008212

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198234282152/

Name of staff you were banned by: Unpoke

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed

Reason for ban: Toxicity, and ultimately ban evading.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.

Additional details: Right off the bat, It has been just about 6 years. It is absolutely crazy how time is just unnoticeable sometimes. It's just so surreal how I find myself here again, 6 years later cooking up another appeal. I was known by initially as "Mr_Cheese" or "BiggieCheese." I used to spend most of my time on your servers back when I was still in school. I had major anger issues back then, which I took medication for. I've made 2 ban appeals, 1 back in 2018, and the next in 2019. The one in 2019 was denied, which was obviously a signal to let it go. Never would I have thought I'd be back here again. I wasn't planning on ever coming back here; Every time I get on Gmod, I have to look at the server in my history. It brings me back to the time where I played constantly, throwing balls around in the bouncy ball minigame, fighting bosses, unlocking crates and getting wicked cool items. I could not even begin to guess what has changed since then. I was 13 years old when I was banned. I'm now an 18 year-old Highschool graduate on my way to adulthood. The reason I am making this appeal, obviously because I want to play again, but also because I decided to try and join the server. 100% of the time when I try, I am greeted with a ban message. But this time, the game actually began to load and skip past the ban message. I was able to see the time it's been since my last time playing on the server. 5 years, 3 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, 16 hours, 36 minutes, and 43 seconds. That is such a large amount of time. Overall, I feel that maybe, and hopefully we can move past the old, enjoy the present, and look forward to the new. Seen as things are different around here, and a new community has risen; Maybe I can have a brand new fresh beginning. Thank you for reading.


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Star pls unban pls
Posted by: j3553 - 09-25-2022, 01:49 AM - Forum: Ban Upheld - Replies (6)

i got banned like years ago and i dont know what i was doin but i wanna play Smile idk when it happened exactly or who banned me but i think it was for rdming a bunch cus i was messing with my freind at the time

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