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First Timer's Guide
First time on our forums? Here are some topics to get you started.
Forum Rules
Abide by these and you'll be fine.
56 Replies 1 Topics Forum Rules
10-11-2015, 01:33 AM
by Jake1o
Introductions (39 users browsing)
Introduce yourself to the rest of the community!
2,787 Replies 349 Topics It's me ya boi
09-22-2024, 09:22 AM
by Dylansonfire
Newbie Guides
There will be various guides here on what's what and how to use various features of FRG.
0 Replies 0 Topics
Applications and Forms
Membership apps, staff apps, and various forms are found here.
2 Replies 2 Topics Unban Request Form
11-20-2014, 11:46 PM
by Jake1o

Server Info
Updates related to the Server and announcements from the staff.
Server Rules (4 users browsing)
Rules to abide by while playing the servers.
93 Replies 7 Topics FRG In-Game Rule Revision...
04-06-2021, 04:58 PM
by Brassx
Server Patchnotes (16 users browsing)
Update logs for the server.
2,828 Replies 267 Topics 2024 Sprummer Pre-release...
05-31-2024, 01:12 AM
by Dovah The Deaf
Announcements (3 users browsing)
Meetings, Rule changes and other important things.
902 Replies 56 Topics Trials of Ostara
08-06-2023, 02:17 AM
by twentysix
Dev blog (2 users browsing)
A place to discuss and see upcoming updates.
122 Replies 5 Topics Realms Devblog 2k19.
07-16-2022, 05:12 AM
by twentysix

The place to apply for ranks. Posting valuable feedback on applications here will grant you reputation!
Post here to apply to become a member of this community.
Sub Forums:
7,663 Replies 650 Topics Re;Application Of The Clo...
1 hour ago
by Slanderman_
Help keep our servers enjoyable and fun.
Sub Forums:
+Member Applications,
Manager Applications, and 3 more.
798 Replies 328 Topics Terran's +Member Applicat...
08-27-2024, 02:57 PM
by Not John Smith
Closed Beta
If I ever need beta testers, this is where you will apply for closed beta testing.
Sub Forums:
416 Replies 118 Topics Terran's Suggestion Curat...
05-24-2024, 05:13 PM
by Excel

Server Discussion
A place to discuss server related elements.
General (63 users browsing)
Any talk related to the server should go here.
10,111 Replies 825 Topics An Announcement
09-15-2024, 07:49 PM
by Dylansonfire
Trading (8 users browsing)
Looking to buy or sell something, but don't want to use the marketplace? This is the place for you! Post your offers, or sales here.
289 Replies 81 Topics Please buy this ragnarok
02-09-2023, 12:37 PM
by One Taps
Suggestions (127 users browsing)
You can suggest things here.
Sub Forums:
Buffs, Nerfs, and changes.,
Coinshop Suggestions, and 2 more.
18,811 Replies 2,230 Topics Chromosome godlike
09-24-2024, 10:03 PM
by Terran
Complaints (1 user browsing)
Player complaints, staff complaints, rule complaints, map complaints, or any other complaints go here.
Sub Forums:
4,146 Replies 623 Topics Vhoxel - Staff Complaint
08-05-2024, 05:44 AM
by Manzy
Unban Requests
If you think you've been wrongly banned post an appeal here.
Sub Forums:
Ban Upheld
4,061 Replies 356 Topics perm ban appeal
09-26-2024, 06:52 PM
by Not John Smith
Map Submissions (1 user browsing)
Have a map you're making? Want a new map on the server? This is the place to show that!
Sub Forums:
407 Replies 49 Topics TTT FRG Angles
07-12-2023, 04:29 AM
by Mans
Bug Reports (13 users browsing)
Found a bug, exploit or glitch in the servers? Post it here. If you have found a GAME BREAKING bug(dupe, or something that could harm the server, or the servers economy) PLEASE PM it to Brassx. If you do not exploit it and report it ASAP you will likely receive a Trust badge!
Sub Forums:
Unable to Resolve, and 1 more.
3,683 Replies 796 Topics UMP Prototype First shot ...
02-27-2024, 01:23 AM
by PandaCow

Away/Offline (5 users browsing)
Taking a break or going on vacation?
Sub Forums:
1,607 Replies 180 Topics I'm sure folks don't care
07-12-2021, 11:21 PM
by Unreal Oz
Departures (2 users browsing)
Leaving the community for good?
Sub Forums:
383 Replies 30 Topics bye
11-20-2022, 10:10 AM
by Brassx
Off Topic (112 users browsing)
Anything non TTT related.
5,939 Replies 502 Topics Looking at this forum mak...
04-25-2023, 02:38 AM
by One Taps
Forum Games (7 users browsing)
Do your silly forum games here.
1,185 Replies 32 Topics The Motel... It Needs YOU...
10-08-2022, 04:24 AM
by The Black Parade
Other Games (4 users browsing)
Anything about other games. NOT other GMOD servers!
1,021 Replies 102 Topics Anyone want to play Monst...
12-22-2023, 06:44 AM
by TJ1524
An online 2D game being developed by Brassx.
Sub Forums:
Apply for Beta Access
227 Replies 31 Topics Voslom - some progress
10-05-2022, 03:17 AM
by PandaCow
Shit Posting (25 users browsing)
Here is where you can shitpost, and all stupid threads that are basically shit posting may be moved here. Anything here will NOT count towards post count. Your posts must still follow the general rules of the forums, as in no racism, nudity/porn, or other inappropriate things. And no flaming.
5,641 Replies 1,188 Topics Vhoxel Supermanager+++ ap...
12-14-2023, 05:57 AM
by The Black Parade

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1,283 users active in the past 30 minutes (21 members, 1 of whom is invisible, and 1,260 guests). - See who's online
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